*SetSolverDiffEquation() - single solver differential equation

Sets the values needed to describe an implicit or explicit differential equation for the solver to solve.


*SetSolverDiffEquation(sde_name, USER/(nothing) , 
                                           STATIC_HOLD/(nothing), ic, 


The variable name of the differential equation values that are being set.
Data type: varname
Include USER if the differential equation will be described in a solver user subroutine. Otherwise, leave blank by including two commas to hold the space.
Specifies whether the differential equation is of type implicit or explicit.
Solver Function
The function expression which describes the differential equation.
STATIC_HOLD/ (nothing)
Set STATIC_HOLD if the state of the differential equation is not permitted to change during static and quasi-static analysis of the solver. Otherwise, leave blank by including two commas to hold the space.
The initial condition of the differential equation.
Data type: real
The initial condition for the first derivative of the user defined variable. This is optional and is usually used in conjunction with an implicit variable.
curve_name, AKIMA|CUBIC|LINEAR|QUINTIC, depvariab
When using curve data, a curve, an interpolation method, and an independent variable must be specified, where curve_name is the variable name of an existing curve that would represent the force versus displacement/velocity in the solver differential equation. The interpolation method can be set to AKIMA, CUBIC, LINEAR, or QUINTIC. indep_variable is the independent variable representing either the displacement (in stiffness tokens) or velocity (in damping tokens) and is specified in Templex syntax.
spl3d_name, AKIMA|CUBIC|LINEAR| QUINTIC, depvar1 'indep_var2'
When using spline3d, a Spline3D entity, an interpolation method, and two independent variables must be specified, where spl3d_name is the variable name of an existing Spline3D entity that would represent the force/torque v/s two independent variables. The interpolation method can be set to AKIMA, CUBIC, LINEAR, or QUINTIC. indep_var1 is the solver expression for the first independent variable. indep_var2 is the solver expression that represents the second independent variable.
The function expression which describes the differential equation.


*SolverDiffEquation(sde_equation1, "Example Diff Eq")
*SetSolverDiffEquation(sde_equation1, , EXPLICIT, `
 DIF1(sde_equation.id) + 8.0 + COS(TIME)`)






*SetSolverDiffEquation() is used to define the differential equation for the solver to solve.

To specify non-linear properties, a solver expression or curve data can be used to compare the force. When using a solver expression, Templex syntax is used and all variables are enclosed in braces {} and the rest is treated as literal. To use curve data a curve, interpolation method and an independent variable must be specified. For example,
CRV, curve_name, AKIMA, `{DX}`

where curve_name is the variable name of an existing curve, interpolation method can be set to AKIMA, CUBIC, LINEAR, or QUINTIC and the independent variable is specified in Templex syntax.