*SetForce() - asymmetric rotational
Sets the values for an asymmetric rotational action-only or action-reaction force pair.
*SetForce(force_name, , TYPE_tx_l, TOKEN_tx_l,
TYPE_ty_l, TOKEN_ty_l,
TYPE_tz_l, TOKEN_tz_l,
TYPE_tx_r, TOKEN_tx_r,
TYPE_ty_r, TOKEN_ty_r,
TYPE_tz_r, TOKEN_tz_r)
- Enter a value for tx_l, ty_l, tz_l, tx_r, ty_r, and tz_r.
- Use a Curve to represent the torque behavior. See Comments.
- Use a Spline3D to represent the torque behavior. See Comments.
- Enter a solver expression that represents the torque behavior.
- force_name
- The variable name of an existing rotational action-only or action-reaction force pair.
- tx_l, ty_l, tz_l
- Numbers, MDL expressions, or solver expressions that determine the values of the rotational force about the left X, Y, and Z axis.
- tx_r, ty_r, tz_r
- Numbers, MDL expressions, or solver expressions that determine the values of the rotational force about the right X, Y, and Z axis.
- curve_name, AKIMA|CUBIC|LINEAR| QUINTIC, ∈depvariab≤
- When using curve data, a curve, an interpolation method, and an independent variable must be specified, where curve_name is the variable name of an existing curve that represents the torque characteristic, the interpolation method can be set to AKIMA , CUBIC, LINEAR, or QUINTIC. The indep_variable is the solver expression representing the independent variable along which the torque curve is characterized.
- spl3d name, AKIMA|CUBIC|LINEAR| QUINTIC, 'indep_var1', 'indep_var2'
- When using spline3d, a Spline3D entity, an interpolation method, and two independent variables must be specified, where spl3d_name is the variable name of an existing Spline3D entity that would represent the torque v/s two independent variables. The interpolation method can be set to AKIMA, CUBIC, LINEAR, or QUINTIC. indep_var1 is the solver expression for the first independent variable. indep_var2 is the solver expression that represents the second independent variable.
- expression
- A solver expression for the torque.
Example 1
*SetForce(frc_wc, ,LIN, ds.real1.value * ds.real2.value,
LIN, 10.3,
LIN, ds.real3.value,
LIN, 0.0,
LIN, 0.0,
EXPR, ‘100*sin(2*PI*TIME)‘)
Example 2
*SetForce(frc_wc, , LIN, ds.real1.value * ds.real2.value,
CRV, crv_torq_y, AKIMA, `{frc_wc.l.DY}`,
SPL3D, spl_torq_y, AKIMA,
The second argument (used to specify symmetry) is left empty when specifying asymmetric properties for a bushing pair.
To specify non-linear properties for the torque in any direction, a solver expression, curve data, or spline 3D data can be used. When using solver expressions, Templex syntax is used and all variables are enclosed in braces {} and the rest is treated as literal.
The QUINTIC interpolation method is supported for MotionSolve only.