*SetBush() - asymmetric bushing pair

Sets the properties of an asymmetric bushing pair.


*SetBush(bush_name, , TYPE_k_x_l, TOKEN_k_x_l 
                                TYPE_k_y_l, TOKEN_k_y_l 
                                TYPE_k_z_l, TOKEN_k_z_l 
                                TYPE_c_x_l, TOKEN_c_x_l 
                                TYPE_c_y_l, TOKEN_c_y_l 
                                TYPE_c_z_l, TOKEN_c_z_l 
                                TYPE_kt_x_l, TOKEN_kt_x_l 
                                TYPE_kt_y_l, TOKEN_kt_y_l 
                                TYPE_kt_z_l, TOKEN_kt_z_l 
                                TYPE_ct_x_l, TOKEN_ct_x_l 
                                TYPE_ct_y_l, TOKEN_ct_y_l 
                                TYPE_ct_z_l, TOKEN_ct_z_l 
                                f_x_l, f_y_l, f_z_l, 
                                t_x_l, t_y_l, t_z_l, 
                                TYPE_k_x_r, TOKEN_k_x_r 
                                TYPE_k_y_r, TOKEN_k_y_r 
                                TYPE_k_z_r, TOKEN_k_z_r 
                                TYPE_c_x_r, TOKEN_c_x_r 
                                TYPE_c_y_r, TOKEN_c_y_r 
                                TYPE_c_z_r, TOKEN_c_z_r 
                                TYPE_kt_x_r, TOKEN_kt_x_r 
                                TYPE_kt_y_r, TOKEN_kt_y_r 
                                TYPE_kt_z_r, TOKEN_kt_z_r 
                                TYPE_ct_x_r, TOKEN_ct_x_r 
                                TYPE_ct_y_r, TOKEN_ct_y_r 
                                TYPE_ct_z_r, TOKEN_ct_z_r 
                                f_x_r, f_y_r, f_z_r, 
                                t_x_r, t_y_r, t_z_r)


If you select this TYPE, use this TOKEN.
TOKEN: Value
Enter a value for:

k_x_l, k_y_l, k_z_l,

c_x_l, c_y_l, c_z_l,

kt_x_l, kt_y_l, kt_z_l,

ct_x_l, ct_y_l, ct_z_l,

k_x_r, k_y_r, k_z_r,

c_x_r, c_y_r, c_z_r,

kt_x_r, kt_y_r, kt_z_r,

ct_x_r, ct_y_r, ct_z_r,

TOKEN: curve_name,




See Comments.
TOKEN: spl3d name,





See Comments.
TOKEN: expression
Enter an expression.


The variable name of an existing bushing pair.
Data type: varname
k_x_l, k_y_l, k_z_1
Translational stiffness of the left bushing in the X, Y, and Z directions.
Data type: real
c_x_l, c_y_l, c_z_1
Translational damping of the left bushing in the X, Y, and Z directions.
Data type: real
kt_x_l, kt_y_l, kt_z_l
Torsional stiffness of the left bushing in the X, Y, and Z directions.
Data type: real
ct_x_l, ct_y_l, ct_z_l
Torsional damping of the left bushing in the X, Y, and Z directions.
Data type: real
f_x_l, f_y_l, f_z_l
Initial translational force of the left bushing in the X, Y, and Z directions.
Data type: real
t_x_l, t_y_l, t_z_l
Torque of the left bushing in the X, Y, and Z directions.
Data type: real
k_x_r, k_y_r, k_z_r
Translational stiffness of the right bushing in the X, Y, and Z directions.
Data type: real
c_x_r, c_y_r, c_z_r
Translational damping of the right bushing in the X, Y, and Z directions.
Data type: real
kt_x_r, kt_y_r, kt_z_r
Torsional stiffness of the right bushing in the X, Y, and Z directions.
Data type: real
ct_x_r, ct_y_r, ct_z_r
Torsional damping of the right bushing in the X, Y, and Z directions.
Data type: real
f_x_r, f_y_r, f_z_r
Initial translational force of the right bushing in the X, Y, and Z directions.
Data type: real
t_x_r, t_y_r, t_z_r
Initial torque of the right bushing in the X, Y, and Z directions.
Data type: real
An expression for a stiffness or damping token.
curve_name, AKIMA|CUBIC|LINEAR| QUINTIC, depvariab
When using curve data, a curve, an interpolation method, and an independent variable must be specified, where curve_name is the variable name of an existing curve that would represent the force v/s displacement/velocity in the bushing. The interpolation method can be set to AKIMA , CUBIC , LINEAR , or QUINTIC . indep_variable is the independent variable representing either the displacement (in stiffness tokens) or velocity (in damping tokens) and is specified in Templex syntax.
spl3d name, AKIMA|CUBIC|LINEAR| QUINTIC, 'indep_var1', 'indep_var2'
When using spline3d, a Spline3D entity, an interpolation method, and two independent variables must be specified, where spl3d_name is the variable name of an existing Spline3D entity that would represent the force v/s displacement/velocity and another independent variable. The interpolation method can be set to AKIMA , CUBIC , LINEAR , or QUINTIC . indep_var1 is the first independent variable representing either the displacement (in stiffness tokens) or velocity (in damping tokens). indep_var2 is an expression that represents the second independent variable.


*BushPair(bsh_lca_frnt, "LCA frnt bushing", 
*SetBush(bsh_lca_frnt, , 
LIN, 6.000e+03, LIN, 6.000e+03, LIN, 1.115e+03, 
 LIN, 0.000e+00, LIN, 0.000e+00, LIN, 0.000e+00, 
 LIN, 5.000e+05, LIN, 5.000e+05, LIN, 1.000e+05, 
 LIN, 0.000e+00, LIN, 0.000e+00, LIN, 0.000e+00, 
 0.000e+00, 0.000e+00, 0.000e+00, 
 0.000e+00, 0.000e+00, 0.000e+00, 
LIN, 5.000e+03, LIN, 6.000e+03, LIN, 1.115e+03, 
 LIN, 0.000e+00, LIN, 0.000e+00, LIN, 0.000e+00, 
 LIN, 5.000e+05, LIN, 4.000e+05, LIN, 1.000e+05, 
 LIN, 0.000e+00, LIN, 0.000e+00, LIN, 0.000e+00, 
 0.000e+00, 0.000e+00, 0.000e+00, 
 0.000e+00, 0.000e+00, 0.000e+00)
*BushPair( bsh_lca_frnt, "LCA frnt bush", b_lca, 
 p_lca_frnt_bush )
*Curve( crv_bsh1, "LCA bushing axial rate" )
*SetBush(bsh_lca_frnt, , CRV, crv_bsh1, AKIMA, 
 CRV, crv_bsh1AKIMA, 
 EXPR, `-POLY({bsh_lca_frnt.l.DZ}, 
 { cr() }, 0, 0, 500, 0, 30)`, 
 LIN, 10, LIN, 10, LIN, 10, 
 LIN, 50000, LIN, 50000, LIN, 10000, 
 LIN, 500, LIN, 500, LIN, 100, 
 0, 0, 0, 
 0, 0, 0, 
 CRV, crv_bsh1, AKIMA, 
 `-{bsh_lca_frnt.r.DX}` , 
 CRV, crv_bsh1, AKIMA, 
 EXPR, `-POLY({bsh_lca_frnt.r.DZ}, 
 { cr() }, 
 0, 0, 500, 0, 30)`, 
 LIN, 10, LIN, 10, LIN, 10, 
 LIN, 50000, LIN, 50000, LIN, 10000, 
 LIN, 500, LIN, 500, LIN, 100, 
 0, 0, 0, 
 0, 0, 0)
*BallJointPair( j_ten_strut_rr, "Tension strut rear bush", 
*Curve( spl3d_bsh2, "Tension strut bush rate" )
*SetBush(j_ten_strut_rr.bush, , SPL3D, spl3d_bsh2 , CUBIC, 
 `-{j_ten_strut_rr.bush.l.DX}` , 
 LIN, 2300, 
 EXPR, `-POLY({j_ten_strut_rr.bush.l.DZ}, 
 { cr() }, 0, 0, 500, 0, 30)`, 
 LIN, 10, LIN, 10, LIN, 10, 
 LIN, 50000, LIN, 50000, LIN, 10000, 
 LIN, 500, LIN, 500, LIN, 100, 
 0, 0, 0, 
 0, 0, 0, 
 SPL3D, spl3d_bsh2, CUBIC, 
 `-{j_ten_strut_rr.bush.r.VX}` ), 
 EXPR, `-POLY({j_ten_strut_rr.bush.r.DZ}, 
 { cr() }, 0, 0, 500, 0, 30)`, 
 LIN, 10, LIN, 10, LIN, 10, 
 LIN, 50000, LIN, 50000, LIN, 10000, 
 LIN, 500, LIN, 500, LIN, 100, 
 0, 0, 0, 
 0, 0, 0)








The second argument (used to specify symmetry) is left empty when specifying asymmetric properties for a bushing pair.

Nonlinear properties can be specified only for asymmetric bushing pairs.

To specify non-linear properties for stiffness or damping in any direction, a solver expression, curve data, or 3D spline data can be used. When using a solver expression, Templex syntax is used and all variables are enclosed in braces {} and the rest is treated as literal.

When using a curve or a spline3D, an interpolation method such as AKIMA|CUBIC|LINEAR |QUINTIC should be specified.

A LINEAR interpolation for a curve or spline3D with data which is highly discontinuous may lead to problems during the solution and therefore is not recommended.

QUINTIC interpolation is available with solver mode as MotionSolve only.