*SetMotion() - asymmetric motion pair with user subroutine

Sets the properties of an asymmetric motion pair with a user subroutine.


*SetMotion(motion_name, , USER, 
*Set(motion_name.l.use_local_dll, TRUE|FALSE) 
*Set(motion_name.r.use_local_dll, TRUE|FALSE) 
*Set(motion_name.l.local_dll, "string") 
*Set(motion_name.r.local_dll, "string")


The variable name of an existing motion pair.
Data type: varname
This argument indicates that a user subroutine is used to compute motion pair properties.
A solver expression enclosed in back quotes to specify arguments for the user subroutine for the left motion.
Data type: string
A solver expression enclosed in back quotes to specify arguments for the user subroutine for the right motion.
Data type: string
motion_name.l.use_local_dll motion_name.r.use_local_dll
Specifies if a user subroutine DLL specific to the instance of one motion pair entity is to be used.
Data type: boolean
motion_name.l.local_dll motion_name.r.local_dll
The path and filename for the user subroutine DLL to be used with an instance of the user defined motion pair.
Data type: string


*RevJointPair(j_crank_pivot,	"Crank pivot",
*MotionPair(crank_rot, 	"Crank rotation", j_crank_pivot)
*SetMotion(mtn1, RIGHT, VEL, ds.real1.value +
           ds.real2.value, 30)
*SetMotion(crank_rot,  , DISP,
*MotionPair( mtn_wc, "Wheel center motion", j_wc_trans)
*Curve( crv_wc_mtn, "Wheel center mtn")
*SetMotion(mtn_wc, , DISP, crv_wc_mtn.interp(AKIMA, `TIME`),
                                 crv_wc_mtn.interp(AKIMA, `TIME`))
*SetMotion(mtn_wc, , DISP, `USER({ crv_wc_mtn.id, %d })`,
                                 `USER({ crv_wc_mtn.id, %d })`)






The second argument (used to specify symmetry) is left empty when specifying asymmetric properties for a motion pair.

Templex syntax is used in solver expressions. All variables are enclosed in braces {} and the rest of the expression is treated as literal. Solver expressions are enclosed in back quotes. Curve data can be used to define a motion by specifying an existing curve, interpolation method, and an independent variable. For example,
curve_name.interp(CUBIC, `{DM}`)

where curve_name is the variable name of an existing curve. The interpolation method can be set to AKIMA, CUBIC, or PWL, and the independent variable is specified in Templex syntax.