Global Time Step
The global time step (GTS) method can be used to calculate the time step of a model based on the natural frequency of the model.
- /DT/GLOB/Iflag
If Iflag=1, insert the next line
Tol_GTS Ncycles
- Scale factor for the element time step
- Tol_GTS
- Convergence tolerance for the iterative algorithm
- Ncycles
- Number cycles between the calculation of the global time step
The global time method is useful in models without a large change in stiffness such as drop test simulations.
- Solid elements: /TETRA4, /TETRA10, hexa with the flags below
- /PROP/SOLID: Isolid = 1 (Belytschko), 14 (HA8), 17 (H8C), 24 (HEPH) and 16 (20-noded)
- Shell elements: Ishell = 1 (Belytschko-Tsay), 12 (Batoz), and 24 (HEPH)
- Truss element
- Beam element
- Contact interfaces: TYPE7, TYPE24 (without edge-to-edge option), and TYPE2 with Spotflag=25 and 27