An explicit is solved by calculating results in small time increments or time steps. The size of the time step depends
on many factors but is automatically calculated by Radioss.
The /FAIL/BIQUAD, /FAIL/JOHNSON, and /FAIL/TAB1 failure models define material failure by relating the plastic strain at failure to the stress state in the material.
The Johnson-Cook failure model is often used to describe the ductile failure of metals. It uses a Johnson-Cook equation
to define failure strain as a function of stress triaxiality.
In Radioss, /FAIL/BIQUAD is the most user-friendly failure model for ductile materials. It uses a simplified, nonlinear strain-based
failure criteria with linear damage accumulation.
In Radioss, /FAIL/TAB1 is the most sophisticated failure model for ductile material. The plastic failure strain can be defined as
a function of: stress triaxiality, strain rate, Lode angle, element size, temperature, and instability strain.
Composite materials consist of two or more materials combined each other. Most composites consist
of two materials, binder (matrix) and reinforcement. Reinforcements come in three forms, particulate,
discontinuous fiber, and continuous fiber.
Optimization in Radioss was introduced in version 13.0. It is implemented by invoking the optimization capabilities of
OptiStruct and simultaneously using the Radioss solver for analysis.
The /FAIL/BIQUAD, /FAIL/JOHNSON, and /FAIL/TAB1 failure models define material failure by relating the plastic strain at failure to the stress state in the material.
The Johnson-Cook failure model is often used to describe the ductile failure of metals. It uses a Johnson-Cook equation
to define failure strain as a function of stress triaxiality.
The Johnson-Cook failure model is often used to describe the ductile failure of
metals. It uses a Johnson-Cook equation to define failure strain as a function of stress
In the Johnson-Cook failure model, there are three parts to the failure
Plastic failure strain
Current strain rate divided by the input reference strain rate
Computed in the material law or /HEAT/MAT
Ignoring the influence of strain rate and temperature a plot of the Johnson-Cook
failure is:
Plastic strains above the curve represent material fracture and below the curve no
material fracture.
In a simple case where only the triaxiality influence is considered, the failure
strain is:(2)
Using 3 failure data points from test:
by uniaxial tension ()
by pure shear ()
by uniaxial compression ()
The parameters , and could be calculated analytically by solving the
following equations:(3)
Element Failure treatment
A cumulative damage method is used to sum the amount of plastic strain that has
occurred in the element using:(4)
What happens when depends on the values of element failure flags
andIfail_so ) and XFEM
formulation flag (Ixfem). When the
XFEM formulation is not used
(Ixfem=0), the following table
summarizes the different element failure flag options:
Table 1. Element Failure Options
Element Failure Flag
Failure Behavior
In 1 IP or layer
Element deleted
In 1 IP or layer
Stress tensor set to zero in IP or layer
All IP or layer
Element deleted
In 1 IP
Element deleted
In 1 IP
Stress tensor set to zero in IP
All IP
Stress tensor set to zero in element
Details on the XFEM formulation
(Ixfem=1), can be found in
The damage, , can be plotted in animation files using
will show the risk of material damage.