
Add a 2D text object at a specified location on the vis window.


txtActor = AddVisText(
                      value = "", position = [0.5,0.5],
                      style = "Times New Roman:bold",
                      fontSize = 12, color = [1,0,0],
                      horAlignment= "CENTER", verAlignment= "BOTTOM" )


value (string)
Text of the text object to be added to vis window.
position (array)
Position of the text object.
style (string)
Style of the text object.
fontSize (integer)
Font size of the text object.
color (array)
Color of the text object.
horAlignment (string)
Horizontal alignment of the text object.
verAlignment (string)
Vertical alignment of the text object.

Return Value

txtActor (object)
The text object which was added to the vis window.


This routine adds a 2D text object at a specified location to the vis window. Text object text, position, style, font size, color, horizontal alignment and vertical alignment are given by value, position, style, fontSize, color, horAlignment and verAlignment. For example,
AddVisText( "ALTAIR 0.1 0.5", [0.0,0.5])