Excel Document

Add data from an Excel document to the report.

  1. Right-click at the Report or Chapter level and select Add > Items > Excel Document.


    From the Report ribbon, click the arrow next to the Add Item, then select Excel Document.

  2. Below are the properties associated with the Excel Document entity.

    Figure 1.
    1. Name: Edit the name property of the Excel document item.
      Note: Once you select an Excel file, the Excel item name is replaced with the selected file name.
    2. File Path: Select an Excel file using the file browser option.
    3. Sheet: Select a sheet from the Excel file to be inserted. All of the sheets in the selected Excel document are listed.
    4. Cell Range: Specify a cell range to be exported to the report.
      Note: By default, the entire cell range is added to the report.
      Cell Range Entries:
      • A1:C5: The top left corner of the table is A1 and the bottom right corner is C5.


  3. Table Caption: Provide a caption for the table entity. This caption is visible in the exported Document report.
  4. Location of Caption: Select the caption location from the list. These are standard locations as present in Microsoft Word. Table captions locations can be:

    Figure 2.
    1. Below Table, or
    2. Above Table