Processing math: 100%



Class Force()

Force(parent='MODEL', name='Force_n', label='Force_n', active=True, b1=None, 
b2=None, origin=None, rm='Global_Frame', action_only=True, use_markers=False, 
itype='TRANS', p1=None, p2=None, align_meth1='Point', align_pt1=None, align_vec1=None, 
user=False, usr_sub='`USER()`', local_funcname='MOTSUB', use_local_dll=False, 
local_dll='', local_func_type='DLL')

Create an action-only or action-reaction type of force.

setValue, getValue, getAssociatedGraphics

Keyword Arguments:

Argument Data Type Description Default
name String The variable name. Force_n, for next available integer n.
label String The descriptive label. Force_n, for next available integer n.
parent Object The parent. MODEL
active Bool Used to activate or deactivate this entity. True
b1 Body Body to which the active force is applied. None
b2 Body Body to which the reactive force is applied. None
origin Point Point at which the force is applied. None
rm Marker Reference marker in which the components of the force are specified. Global_Frame.
action_only Bool Specifies an action only force when True and an action-reaction force when False. True
use_markers Bool Use explicit markers to apply the force. False
itype Enum Type of force. Takes values TRANS, ROT, TRANS_ROT, LOA or SC_ROT. TRANS
p1 Point Point on body_1 at which the action force is applied. None
p2 Point Point on body_2 at which the reaction force is applied. None
align_meth1 MultiRef Alignment method when itype is SC_ROT. One of Pointor Vector. Point
align_pt1 Point Point used to align force direction when align_meth1 is Point for itype SC_ROT. None
align_vec1 Vector Vector used to align force direction when align_meth1 is Vector for itype SC_ROT. None
user Bool Use user defined properties, if true. False
usr_sub Function The expression passed to the user dll. When using solver expressions, Templex syntax (within ) is used and all variables are enclosed in braces {} and the rest is treated as literal. ‘USER()'
local_funcname String The function/subroutine name. ‘MOTSUB'
use_local_dll Bool Uses a local function instead of default if True. False
local_dll File The path of the local dll. Defaults to ‘'. * local_func_type (Enum) - The type of the user subroutine. one of DLL, PYTHON or MATLAB. ‘DLL'


Instance Type Description
f Nonlinear Nonlinear entity reference to set translational force when itype is LOA
t Nonlinear Nonlinear entity reference to set rotational force when itype is LOA.
fx Nonlinear Nonlinear entity reference to set translational X component of the force.
fy Nonlinear Nonlinear entity reference to set translational Y component of the force.
fz Nonlinear Nonlinear entity reference to set translational Z component of the force.
tx Nonlinear Nonlinear entity reference to set rotational X component of the force.
ty Nonlinear Nonlinear entity reference to set rotational Y component of the force.
tz Nonlinear Nonlinear entity reference to set rotational Z component of the force.
i Marker Marker attached to b1.
j Marker Marker attached to b2.


1. The parent parameter can only be initialized by the constructor and should not be modified directly.

2. Only parent can be used as a positional argument in the constructor.

3. Instance is a reference to an entity. You cannot modify an instance, but can modify its properties.



Get all the graphics that are associated with this object.


List of all graphic associated with this body.

Return type:



Returns value of an attribute


name str Name of the attribute Defaults to .


The return value. Return type depends on the attribute type.

setValue(name, value, updatePanel=False)

Sets value of an attribute.


name str Name of the attribute.  
value ** Value of the attribute to be set.  


Returns True if the value was successfully set else False.

Return type:


Force Pair

Class ForcePair()

ForcePair(parent='MODEL', name='ForcePair_n', label='ForcePair_n', active=True, sym='NONE')

Force pair containing left and right instances of singles.

Keyword Arguments:

Argument Data Type Description Default
name String The variable name. MotionPair_n, for next available integer n.
label String The descriptive label. MotionPair_n, for next available integer n.
parent Object The parent. MODEL
active Bool Defines if entity is activated when True or deactivated when False. True
sym Enum The symmetry of pair entity. Takes values 'LEFT' for left entity as master, 'RIGHT' for right entity as master or 'NONE' when it is not symmetric. NONE


Instance Type Description
l Point The left force.
r Point The right force.


Instance is a reference to an entity. You cannot modify an instance, but can modify its properties.


Create and modify attributes of a Force.
>>> from hw import mview
>>> #Create references for visulising the Force
>>> b1 = mview.Body(inertia_props_from_graphic = True)
>>> g1 = mview.Sphere(origin = 'P_Global_Origin',body = b1)
>>> j1 = mview.Joint(type = 'ScrewJoint')
>>> j1.setValues(b1 = b1,b2 = 'B_Ground',origin = 'P_Global_Origin',align_meth1 = 'VECTOR',align_vec1 = 'V_Global_Y')
>>> j1.pitch = 0.1
>>> #Create a rotational force
>>> torque = mview.Force(itype = 'ROT')
>>> #Set multiple values at once
>>> torque.setValues(b1 = b1, origin = 'P_Global_Origin')
>>> torque.ty.lin = -20
>>> #Set gravity as "Off" for this specific example
>>> mview.getModel().DS_Gravity.op_gravity.value = 'Off'
>>> #Run the simulation to see the torque on screw joint
>>> #Modelling action-reaction force with a second body
>>> p1 = mview.Point(y = 50)
>>> b2 = mview.Body(inertia_props_from_graphic = True)
>>> g2 = mview.Sphere(origin = p1,body = b2)
>>> #Deactivate the screw joint
>>> = False
>>> newforce = torque
>>> #Apply translational action reation force between b1 and b2
>>> newforce.setValues(itype = 'TRANS',action_only = False,b2 = b2)
>>> newforce.fy.lin = -10
>>> #Run the simulation to see the action reaction force