vidIVideo GetCSXaxisColor

Gets the color used for drawing the X axis arrow of the user coordinate system symbol.


vidIVideo_handle GetCSXaxisColor


HyperWorks Tcl Query


Gets the color used for drawing the X axis arrow of the user coordinate system symbol.


hwi OpenStack;
hwi GetSessionHandle sess1;
sess1 GetProjectHandle proj;
proj GetPageHandle page1;
page1 SetLayout 2
page1 GetWindowHandle win1 1;
page1 GetWindowHandle win2 2;
win2 SetClientType plot
win1 GetClientHandle vid
vid AddMovie "c:/video/Marker/data/barrier0411.amf"
vid AddTrackingMarker mark1;
mark1 SetTrackPoint 84 122;
mark1 SetName Hello1
mark1 GetID
vid AddTrackingMarker mark2;
mark2 SetTrackPoint 282 178;
mark2 SetName Hello2
vid CalculateTrackingData;
vid GetMovieHandle movie 1
movie SetCSPoint1 Hello1
movie SetCSPoint2 Hello2
vid GetCSXaxisColor;
hwi CloseStack; 


Returns success or an error code.


  • HyperWorks
  • TclMediaView
  • Tracing
  • Tracking System