Author Custom Methods
Register new methods and save/import existing libraries. The following chapter, Method Manager, shows these steps in more detail.
Method Entity Structure
To understand the required steps, you should be familiar with the structure of methods and libraries.
It requires a main block <root> which contains a list of <method> tags.
A method is:
- A reference to a function, such as retval=myfunc(x,y,z), defined in an external file (COMPOSE, PYTHON, TCL, DLL)
- the ordered list of input arguments mapping
- the ordered list of output argument names
- optionally, a post evaluation sorting (aggregation)
Method Attributes
The method tag, in xml, requires some mandatory attributes (Figure 1)
- displayname=" "
- The name displayed in the Method Manager dialog. It serves as an identifier key.
- The engine used to run the method. It is saved as dataname “Engine” in a HyperMesh designpointmethod entity (Figure 2).
- path=" "
- The file path of the python/compose/tcl file where functions are defined. It can be either an absolute path or a relative path from the library file path.
- name=" "
- The true function name as defined in the compose/python/tcl file.
- category="Rivet | Spring | Panel_metallic | Panel_composite | Generic"
- Used to filter the list of available methods in the UI. Category value is on par with designpointset config.
Then, two tags are mandatory to specify the input parameters and method outputs:
- InputArgList
- Defines mapping between method inputs and model/result/user keys to query from the engines. The list of parameters must be ordered in the same way as the method arguments.
- OutputArgList
- Methods can output multiple (pre-defined) results.
Inside method registration, it is possible to add a Sort block. As a result, the method will still be evaluated for each entity inside a designpoint (element | layer) as well as each loadcase.
However, after method run, an aggregation is performed on a Domain using a metric and envelope type. The result of this aggregation is that table output by method will retain only aggregated values. The envelope type can be spatial and/or on loadcases depending on the domain (Figure 5).
- Type (of envelope)
- Valid types are:
- Min
- Max
- AbsMin
- AbsMax
- Value
- The value can be any float parameter either from InputArgList or OutputArgList. It is used as comparison metric.
- Domain
- Domain can be a combination of multiple keys above following list:
- DDP (designpoint)
- elementid
- layerindex
- loadcase
- DDP | elementid | layerindex : Retains on each layer the critical metric across loadcases
- DDP | elementid: Retains 1 value per element which is critical metric across layers and loadcases
- DDP | elementid | loadcase: Retains 1 value per element per loadcase
- DDP | loadcase: Performs spatial aggregation across elements (layers if any) per loadcase
- DDP: Reatins the critical metric across loadcase:
- If method was element/layer based, there will be spatial aggregation too.
- If method was a DDP level method (1 value per DDP), it is just an envelope.
- Whenever there are critical values across loadcases, contour is available only for envelope loadcases and no more load case per load case.
- Whenever results across layers are aggregated, contour is available only at the element level.
- Whenever an aggregation is done across elements (on a designpoint) the table will have the following: DDP | elementid | loadcase | ..inputs | ..outputs | metric, where metric uses critical values. As a result, only one element ID is kept per designpoint in the table. However, the contour method feature has the ability to select DDP as an entity, which contours a constant value on all elements inside the structural element.
Input Aggregation
In addition to post evaluation sorting, attributes can be sorted before sending them to method for evaluation. This enables some flexibility in method evaluation. For example, you can declare the method input parameter as:
<Parameter name = "Composite Stress XX"
sort=”min|max|minmax|sum|avg|absmin|absmax” (optional)
This way, all layers will be queried for Sxx before calling a method, and only the min or max will be retained and sent to method. In the case of minmax, both the min and max values are sent as a vector to method. The sort key is optional. If sort is not requested, all layer values of Sxx will be sent at one time (as a vector) to the method.
- perlayer="0|1"
- 0 means list of all layers (method is called per element only)
- 1 (def) means current layer only (method is called per layer)
- perelement="0|1"
- 0 means list of all elements (method is called per designpoint only)
- 1 (def) means current element only (method is called per element)
- perloadcase="0|1"
- 0 means list of all loadcases (method is called once for all loadcases)
- 1 (def) method is called per loadcase
User Attribute Registration
Registered attributes are either Model info queried from the HyperMesh database or Result info queried from result files. Result datatypes must match names in the result file. Most of the time, the result reader will provide aggregated vector or tensor datatypes.
- 1DForces & 1DMoments
- 2DForces & 2DMoments
- Stress
- Composite Stress
- will query ply’s material Xt (Nastran solver attribute) based on order of precedence mentioned above.
- will always go with local element’s property no matter which property is assigned (or not) to the structural property.
- HMDb.element.thickness will retrieve elemental thickness in a Panel (metallic & Composite).
- HMDb.structuralproperty.thickness enforce to use attribute thickness for Panel_metallic structural property.
If an attribute can take multiple values on an element (like material allowable per ply), the engine will manage during the query loop layer per layer.
- Redefining an attribute with the same name as in the installation will take precedence in methods in same library
- Attributes with the same names across libraries are resolved locally.