Create weld points at a predefined pitch distance so that the model build process can continue without the need to
wait for the published weld data from CAD. Autopitch is useful when working with elements, not geometry.
Restriction: Available in Abaqus, Nastran, and OptiStruct.
For Nastran and OptiStruct, it
creates RBE3 elements for the head and CBUSH element for the body. For Abaqus, it creates DCOUP3D elements for the head and element for
the body. The head elements project and connect to the nodes of the adjoining shell
Sealing Options
create vector
Create orthogonal
vectors for each CBUSH element created during the sealing
realization. These vectors are used to define the orientations
of the CBUSH elements, which is important to the stiffness
defined in the related PBUSH cards.