Convert Elfen results and combine multiple result files.

Elfen enables the users to read simulation results file (.rdb) from Elfen into HyperView. Once the results are imported into HyperView, all the post processing activities such as running animation, contouring results and querying results can be performed on the Elfen results.

Elfen offers the following additional capabilities:
  • Grouping of results from scalars into vector and tensor results.
  • Handling large results data split into multiple files.
  • Handling parallel files.

Convert Elfen Results

  1. Launch Results Conversion Tool and select ELFEN tab from the window.
  2. Upload .rdb elfen file in Elfen RDB File field.
    Figure 1.
  3. Select Read button to populate all elfen result files in the Unmapped group list.
    The result files are automatically grouped into Scalar, Vector and Tensor group depending on the input config file.
    Figure 2.
    Note: User can group the result manually using the Scalar, Vector or Tensor buttons.
  4. Click the Accept button to confirm the mapped result files.
  5. Click the Review/Update config button to review or update the config file in notepad.
    Figure 3.
    • Field 1: [Type Field] Identifier for type of results to group into ( Values: TENSOR, VECTOR and SCALAR).
    • Field 2: [Group Field] A Unique name for the tensor/vector Group to indicate components belong to that group (not included for SCALAR).
    • Field 3: [ELFEN name Field] The name of the Result type stored in the ELFEN Results file.
    • Field 4: [H3D name Field] The name of the Corresponding Result type to use for .h3d file.
    • Field 5: [Component Field] The Component of the Tensor/Vector for that specific result type entry (not included for SCALAR).
  6. Click Import button to open the converted result file in HV.
    The tool also converts and saves the eflen.rdb file as h3d file in the same input folder.
    Figure 4.

Combine Parallel RDB Files

The current version of GeoD enables users to combine parallel RDB files.

The following environmental variable are required to be set manually in elfen_join.bat file present in PSO installation directory\directors\GeoD\GeoD-post\scripts location:

Environmental Variable Description
ALTAIR_HOME Points to the directory with the HyperWorks Installation
ALTAIR_ELFEN_CONVERTER_HOME The path to the Installation directory of this tool.
ELFEN_HOME_DIR The path to the installation of Elfen.
Note: Combine Parallel RDB Files option is available only for Windows and users must have elfen installed.