poITensorDefine SetSelectionSet

Sets the selection set which defines the entities of this result definition.


poITensorDefine_handle SetSelectionSetSize modelID locator


HyperView Tcl Query


This command, valid only in Upfront Data Loading Mode, sets the selection set which defines the entities for the result definition for the specified model.
Note: The result definition can only be modified if it is not cached.


The model identifier.
The set locator string of the form: "pool_name id".


Create and use a selection set to define the result definition entities:

hwi OpenStack
hwi GetSessionHandle sess
sess GetProjectHandle proj
proj GetPageHandle page [proj GetActivePage]
page GetWindowHandle win [page GetActiveWindow]
win GetClientHandle client
client GetModelHandle model 1
model GetSelectionSetHandle setH [model AddSelectionSet component]
setH Add "id 1"
client GetResultHandle tdefine 3 tensor
tdefine SetSelectionSet 1 "User_Set [setH GetID]"
hwi CloseStack


Returns an error code if there was an error setting the selection set and sets error condition on the session handle. See session_handle GetError.

See the Upfront Data Loader APIs topic for additional information regarding the various Tcl/Tk commands that have been added for this workflow.