Creating an Anisotropic Medium (Full Tensor)

Create an anisotropic medium by defining the diagonal-permittivity tensor and diagonal-permeability tensor along the UU axis, UV axis, UN axis, VU axis, VV axis, VN axis, NU axis, NV axis and NN axis.

Tip: Create up to nine dielectrics constituting the medium properties along the UU axis, UV axis, UN axis, VU axis, VV axis, VN axis, NU axis, NV axis and NN axis.
  1. On the Construct tab, in the Define group, click the  Media icon. From the drop-down list, select the  Anisotropic medium (3D) icon.

    Figure 1. The Create anisotropic medium dialog (Full tensor).
  2. In the Tensor type field, from the drop-down list select Full tensor.
  3. For each entry, select one of the following options:
    • To use the medium properties of free space, from the drop-down list select Free space.
    • To indicate that no linear dependencies exist between the two axes, from the drop-down list select 0.
    • To use the medium properties of a predefined dielectric, from the drop-down list, select the dielectric.
    • To use the medium properties of a dielectric, which is not yet defined in the model, click the icon to define the dielectric or add a dielectric from the media library.
  4. [Optional] In the Mass density (kg/m^3) field, enter a value for ρ.
  5. Click Create to create the anisotropic medium and close the dialog.