Data Fields
- int
- TotalDatabase
- LowerLeft
- UpperRight
- double
- Resolution
- int
- NrHeights
- double *
- Heights
- double
- TileLength
- double
- TileLengthSurface
- double
- TileLengthPlane
- double
- SegmentLength
- int
- AdaptiveResolution
- int
- AdaptiveResolutionFactor
- int
- SphericalMode
- double
- SphericalRadius
- int
- MultipleInteractions
- int
- OnlyRaysInsideBuilding
- int
- OnlyPixelsInsideBuilding
- int
- ExcludeDiffractions
- int
- MultiThreading
- int
- PolygonNrCorners
- PolygonCorners
- int
- PreprocessingMode
- int
- Model
Detailed Description
This structure is used to preprocess an indoor vector database for the usage with the Intelligent Ray Tracing model. The structure is passed to the function WinProp_PreProcessIndoor.
Remark Important: The structure is packed with 1 byte alignment. It can be initialized with default values by using WinProp_Structure_Init_PrePro.
Field Documentation
- TotalDatabase
- int WinProp_PrePro::TotalDatabase
- 1 = Preprocess total database
- 0 = Preprocess only a part of the database If only a part of the database is preprocessed, the relevant area has to be with LowerLeft and UpperRight (see below).
- LowerLeft
- COORDPOINT WinProp_PrePro::LowerLeft
- Definition of lower left corner of area (only relevant if TotalDatabase is 0).
- UpperRight
- COORDPOINT WinProp_PrePro::UpperRight
- Definition of upper right corner of area (only relevant if TotalDatabase is 0).
- Resolution
- double WinProp_PrePro::Resolution
- Resolution for preprocessing (is the same as the resolution of prediction later).
- NrHeights
- int WinProp_PrePro::NrHeights
- Number of heights to be preprocessed. This value must be at least 1.
- Heights
- double * WinProp_PrePro::Heights
- Array with all height values for which a preprocessing should be computed. There must be at least one height available.
- TileLength
- double WinProp_PrePro::TileLength
- Length of tiles for preprocessing.
- TileLengthSurface
- double WinProp_PrePro::TileLengthSurface
- Length of tiles for preprocessing. Value for surface predictions.
- TileLengthPlane
- double WinProp_PrePro::TileLengthPlane
- Length of tiles for preprocessing. Value for predictions on prediction planes.
- SegmentLength
- double WinProp_PrePro::SegmentLength
- Length of segments for preprocessing.
- AdaptiveResolution
- int WinProp_PrePro::AdaptiveResolution
- Use adaptive resolution?
- 1 = Yes.
- 0 = No.
- AdaptiveResolutionFactor
- int WinProp_PrePro::AdaptiveResolutionFactor
- Factor for adaptive resolution (if used).
- SphericalMode
- int WinProp_PrePro::SphericalMode
- Mode for spherical zone.
- 1 = use fixed spherical zone (radius defined by SphericalRadius).
- 0 = spherical zone not used.
- SphericalRadius
- double WinProp_PrePro::SphericalRadius
- Radius for spherical zone (if used).
- MultipleInteractions
- int WinProp_PrePro::MultipleInteractions
- Consider multiple interactions per ray.
- OnlyRaysInsideBuilding
- int WinProp_PrePro::OnlyRaysInsideBuilding
- Preprocess only rays inside building. There must be a ground plate available in order to distinguish between outdoor and indoor.
- OnlyPixelsInsideBuilding
- int WinProp_PrePro::OnlyPixelsInsideBuilding
- Preprocess only pixels inside building. There must be a ground plate available in order to distinguish between outdoor and indoor.
- ExcludeDiffractions
- int WinProp_PrePro::ExcludeDiffractions
- 0 = Consider diffractions
- 1 = Diffractions not considered
- MultiThreading
- int WinProp_PrePro::MultiThreading
- Number of threads being used for the preprocessing. Needs to be greater than zero.
- PolygonNrCorners
- int WinProp_PrePro::PolygonNrCorners
- Number of corners in polygon.
- PolygonCorners
- COORDPOINT * WinProp_PrePro::PolygonCorners
- The corners of the polygon.
- PreprocessingMode
- int WinProp_PrePro::PreprocessingMode
- The preprocessing mode.
- 0 = Rectangular area.
- 1 = Area defined by a polygon.
- 2 = Point mode.
- Model
- int WinProp_PrePro::Model
- The propagation model, for which the preprocessing shall be computed, see WINPROP_MODEL_... defines
- source.eng/Interface/Prepro.h