Engine Keyword Defines the settings for Fluid Structure Interaction Analysis with AcuSolve.





Data Description SI Unit Example
ESET /GRSHEL/SHEL/, /GRSH3N/SH3N/ or /GRBEAM/BEAM/ID of the damp surface elements. These can be shell or beam elements. For solid element surfaces, coat the damp surface with SHEL or SH3N elements with material defined by /MAT/LAW0.
Note: Both ESET and SSET can be used to define the damp surface. ESET must be used if the damp surface contains beam elements.

Integer > 0, or 0 for no ESET

SSET /SURF/ surf_ID of the damp surface.
Note: Both ESET and SSET can be used to define the damp surface. ESET must be used if the damp surface is beam elements.

Integer > 0, or 0 for no SSET

PORT Port number for communication with AcuSolve. Must be the same as the EXTERNAL_CODE socket_port setting in the AcuSolve input data.

Default = 10000 (Integer > 0, or 0 for default)

FTOL Tolerance for exchange convergence of Forces.

Default = 0.005 (Real > 0.0, or 0 for default)

DTOL Tolerance for exchange convergence of Displacements.

Default = 0.0001 (Real > 0.0, or 0 for default)

TTOL Tolerance for exchange convergence of Temperatures (For future use). 5

Default = 0.005 (Real > 0.0, or 0 for default)

FXTOL Tolerance for exchange convergence of Heat-Fluxes (For future use). 5

Default = 0.0001 (Real > 0.0, or 0 for default)

MINEX Minimum number of exchanges between Radioss and AcuSolve per time step. This should be the same as AUTO_SOLUTION_STRATEGY min_stagger_iterations in the AcuSolve input data.

Default = 1 (Integer > 0, or 0 for default)

MAXEX Maximum number of exchanges between Radioss and AcuSolve per time step. This should be the same as AUTO_SOLUTION_STRATEGY max_stagger_iterations in the AcuSolve input data.

Default = 10 (Integer > 0, or 0 for default)

TAG If USETAG is 0, then all the damp surfaces will be tagged as "0".

If USETAG is 1, then all the damp surfaces will be tagged with the PART ID. Each PART ID must match the TAG ID specified by the external_code_tags parameter of the EXTERNAL_CODE_SURFACE command in the AcuSolve input data.

Default = 0 (Integer = 0 or 1, or 0 for default)

DATA Determines the data to be exchanged between Radioss and AcuSolve.
= 1 (Default)
Exchange forces and displacements.
= 2
Exchange forces/moments and displacements/rotations.
= 3
Exchange temperatures and heat-fluxes.
= 4
Exchange forces/temperatures and displacements/heat-fluxes.
= 5
Exchange forces/moments/temperatures and displacements/rotations/heat-fluxes.

Integer = 1 or 2, or 0 for default (3, 4 and 5 for future use)

= 0 (Default)
No messages printed.
= 1
Basic messages printed.
= 2
More messages printed.
= 3
Every communication is printed.

(3 ≥ Integer ≥ 0)

WAIT Defines the wait time, in seconds, for AcuSolve to be started after Radioss is started.

Default = 3600 (Integer > 0, or 0 for default)

INIT Initial AcuSolve time increment to start the coupling with Radioss.

Default = 0 (Integer > 0)



  1. Only a single /IMPL/DYNA/FSI data can be in the Engine file.
  2. Beam elements cannot be combined with 2D or solid surface damp surfaces.
  3. The first line of data is required to specify either ESET or SSET.
  4. The second line of data with the convergence tolerances is optional.
  5. TTOL and FXTOL are not used at this time.