Command ElementDefines a Stop command.
- The Stop command terminates the simulation.
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MotionSolve® is an integrated solution to analyze, evaluate, and optimize the performance of multi-body systems.
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MotionSolve is a system level, multi-body solver that is based on the principles of mechanics.
This manual provides a detailed list and usage information regarding command statements, model statements, functions and the Subroutine Interface available in MotionSolve.
Command ElementSwitches on a formerly deactivated model element, and the modeling element can then be subsequently used in an analysis.
Command ElementModifies a flexible body element.
Command ElementModifies a rigid body element.
Command ElementModifies a Constraint_UserConstr element.
Command ElementSwitches off a formerly activated model element. The modeling element is ignored in all subsequent analyses, unless it is explicitly "activated."
Command ElementThe DebugOutput command generates debugging output from MotionSolve. These extra diagnostics are typically used to understand MotionSolve analysis failures, so that modeling issues may be fixed and simulation parameters may be changed to get past the failure(s).
Command ElementModifies a beam element.
Command ElementModifies a BUSHING force element.
Command ElementThe Force_Contact command can be used to modify the parameters of a Force_Contact model element.
Command ElementModifies a gravity force element.
Command ElementThe Force_JointFriction command can be used to modify the parameters of the model element.
Command ElementModifies a spring-damper force element.
Command ElementModifies a Force_Scalar_TwoBody force element.
Command ElementModifies a Force_Vector_TwoBody force element.
Command ElementDefines an H3D output command.
Command ElementThe Load_Model command reads a MotionSolve XML file and builds a new multibody model.
Command ElementThe Load_Command command reads the command block from a specified MotionSolve XML file and executes the command elements.
Command ElementModifies a joint motion element.
Command ElementModifies a marker motion element.
Command ElementThe ResOutput command defines options for output files to be generated by MotionSolve.
Command ElementModifies a linear parameter element.
Command ElementModifies the simulation parameter element.
Command ElementModifies a static simulation parameter element.
Command ElementParam_Transient defines the simulation control parameters for a time-domain-based nonlinear dynamic analysis.
Command ElementModifies a Post_Request element.
Command ElementModifies an existing Reference_Array element.
Command ElementModifies a marker element.
Command ElementModifies a variable element.
Command ElementThe Save command causes MotionSolve to write out the model data to a MotionSolve XML file.
Command ElementModifies a Sensor_Event model element.
Command ElementPerforms a single simulation.
Command ElementDefines a Stop command.
Command ElementDefines a UserProgramControl command.
This manual provides a detailed list and usage information regarding command statements, model statements, functions and the Subroutine Interface available in MotionSolve.
Command ElementDefines a Stop command.
Command ElementDefines a Stop command.
(c) 2021. Altair Engineering Inc. All Rights Reserved.