Supported Versions - Third Party Software

Third Party Software Version Supported Windows 64-bit Linux 64-bit Shipped with MotionSolve? Additional cost and license?
DSHplus 3.6.2/3.7.1 Yes No No Yes
MATLAB/Simulink R2015b and higher 1 Yes Yes, up to R2018b No Yes
Python 3.5 Yes Yes Yes No
Parasolid 30.0.185 Yes Yes Yes No
F-Tire 2019-3 Yes Yes No Yes
CD-Tire 4.2.7 Yes Yes Yes Yes
MF-TYRE Yes Yes Yes No

MF-MCTYRE Yes Yes Yes Yes
OpenCRG®2 1.1.1 Yes Yes Yes No
NREL (National Energy Renewable Labs) MotionSolve supports NREL Aerodyn .adm models generated by FAST v7.00.01a-bjj.

See Compiler Support for HyperWorks to know more details on compiler support.

See Platform Support for more information on the platforms supported in HyperWorks.

1 Older versions of MATLAB may continue to work with MotionSolve, however, these are no longer tested by Altair
2 OpenCRG is an open source road model employed in CDTire, FTIRE, DELFT-TYRE (MF-TYRE, MF-SWIFT, MF-MCTYRE), and MotionSolve’s implementation of the FIALA tire model. CDTire and FIALA support OpenCRG version 1.1.1. Please consult FTIRE and DELFT-TYRE for their supported version of OpenCRG.