
Creates a contact force between a sphere of radius (r) and a deformable surface.


*PointToDeformableSurfaceContact(ptdsfcon_name,"ptdsfcon_label", body, point, POISSON|LINEAR, def_srf, flip_normal)


The variable name of the point to deformable surface contact.
Data type: varname
The label of the point to deformable surface contact.
Data type: label
The body that the sphere will be attached to.
Data type: Body
The center of the sphere.
Data type: Point
The contact algorithm to be used.
The deformable surface which will come into contact with the sphere.
Data type: Deformable Surface
Set to TRUE if the solver should reverse the normals of the deformable surface. This will use the right hand rule for the generation of the normals.
Data type: boolean


*BeginMDL(the_model, "The Model")
 *Point(p_1, "Point 1")
 *Point(p_2, "Point 2")
 *Point(p_3, "Point 3")
 *Point(p_4, "Point 4")
 *Point(p_5, "Point 5")
 *Point(p_6, "Point 6")
 *DeformableSurface(defsrf_0, "DeformableSurface 0", NATURAL, 3, 2, 
 m_0, m_1, m_2, m_3, m_4, m_5)
 *Marker(m_0, "Marker 0", b_1, p_1)
 *Marker(m_1, "Marker 1", b_1, p_2)
 *Marker(m_2, "Marker 2", b_1, p_3)
 *Marker(m_3, "Marker 3", b_1, p_4)
 *Marker(m_4, "Marker 4", b_1, p_5)
 *Marker(m_5, "Marker 5", b_1, p_6)
 *Body(b_1, "Body 1")
 *Body(b_0, "Body 0")
*PointToDeformableSurfaceContact(con_0, "Contact 0", b_0, p_1, 
 LINEAR, defsrf_0, false)
*SetContact(con_0, 5, 100, 1.0)
 *Point(p_10, "Point 0" )
 *Set(defsrf_0.uspan, 1.1)
 *SetPoint(p_1, 50, 10, 10)
 *SetPoint(p_2, 100, 10, 10)
 *SetPoint(p_3, 150, 10, 10)
 *SetPoint(p_4, 50, 20, 20)
 *SetPoint(p_5, 100, 20, 20)
 *SetPoint(p_6, 150, 20, 20)
 *SetPoint(p_10, 100, 100, 100)






表 1.
Property Returns Data Type Description
damping real The damping used with the linear contact method.
flip_normal boolean Flag to flip the normals of the deformable surface.
force_model Use LINEAR for the linear algorithm method of contact.^Use POISSON for the Poisson method of contact.
id integer The solver id for the entity.
idstring string The solver id for the entity in string data form.
label string The descriptive name of the entity.
note string The detailed notes and description about the entity.
penalty real The penalty value used with the Poisson contact method.
radius real The radius of the sphere used in the contact.
rest_coeff real The restitution coefficient used with the Poisson contact method.
state boolean Set to zero for the entity to be inactive, or set to one for the entity to be active.
stiffness real The stiffness used with the linear contact method.
type datatype The type of contact.
varname string The unique variable name of the entity.


This entity can be used to represent flex to rigid or flex to flex contact, by creating one *PointToDeformableSurfaceContact entity for each potential point of contact. The deformable surface can attach to the flexbody, while the sphere is used to represent a potential point of contact on the rigid body (or a second flexible body).