
Creates a field pair.


*FieldPair(field_name,"field_label",body_1, body_2, origin)


The variable name of the field pair.
Data type: varname
The descriptive label of the field pair.
Data type: label
The first body or body pair constrained by the field pair.
Data type: Body or BodyPair
The second body or body pair constrained by the field pair.
Data type: Body or BodyPair
The location(s) of the field pair.
Data type: Point or PointPair


*BeginMDL(model, "The Model")
 *BodyPair(b_5, "Body 5")
 *BodyPair(b_6, "Body 6")
 *PointPair(p_5, "Point 5")
 *PointPair(p_6, "Point 6")
 *PointPair(p_7, "Point 7")
 *VectorPair(v_5, "Vector 5")
 *VectorPair(v_6, "Vector 6")
 *FieldPair(fi_5, "Field 5 - Pair", b_5, b_6, p_5)
 *SetOrientation(fi_5.l, TWOAXES, XY, v_5.l, v_6.l)
 *SetOrientation(fi_5.l, TWOAXES, XY, p_6.l, p_7.l)
 *SetOrientation(fi_5.l, ONEAXIS, X, p_5.l)
 *SetOrientation(fi_5.l, ONEAXIS, X, v_5.l)
 *SetOrientation(fi_5.r, TWOAXES, XY, v_5.r, v_6.r)
 *SetOrientation(fi_5.r, TWOAXES, XY, p_6.r, p_7.r)
 *SetOrientation(fi_5.r, ONEAXIS, X, p_5.r)
 *SetOrientation(fi_5.r, ONEAXIS, X, v_5.r)
 *SetFieldStiffness(fi_5, LEFT, 1, 2, 3, ..., 36)
 *SetFieldDamping(fi_5, LEFT, CRATIO, 0.06)
 *SetFieldLength(fi_5, LEFT, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
 *SetFieldForce(fi_5, LEFT, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26)






表 1.
Property Returns Data Type Description
align_meth1 The alignment method used to orient the first axis of the field.
align_meth2 The alignment method used to define the plane created by the first two axes of the field. Used only when the orientation method is Two Axes.
align_pt1 PointPair The point used to define the first axis of the field. Used when align_meth1 is of type Point.
align_pt2 PointPair The point used to define the plane for align_meth2. Used when the orientation method is Two Axes.
align_vec1 VectorPair The vector used to define the first axis of the field. Used when align_meth2 is of type Vector.
align_vec2 VectorPair The vector used to define the plane for align_meth2. Used when the orientation method is Two Axes.
AX, AY, AZ real Shortcut notation for a curve independent variable when the independent variable is translational acceleration.
b1 BodyPair The first body pair constrained by the field pair.
b2 BodyPair The second body pair constrained by the field pair.
c1 - c36 real The damping coefficients of the 6x6 damping matrix.
DX, DY, DZ real Shortcut notation for a curve independent variable when the indepenent variable is translational displacement.
e1, e2, e3 real The Euler angles used if ornt_meth is Angles.
f1 - f6 real The force values for the six components (3 forces, 3 torques) at the corresponding lengths (length1 - length6). Zero force would mean a free length at the given lengths.
FM, FX, FY, FZ real Shortcut notation for a curve independent variable when the indepenent variable is translational force.
full_label string The descriptive label of the field pair, starting at "MODEL".
full_local_label string The label of the field pair that does not include "MODEL" and parent systems.
full_local_varname string The variable name of the field pair that does not include "MODEL" and parent systems.
full_varname string The variable name of the field pair, starting at "MODEL".
i MarkerPair The implicit marker pair on b1.
id long integer The solver ID of the field pair.
idstring string The solver ID represented as a string.
j MarkerPair The implicit marker pair on b2.
jfloat MarkerPair The implicit floating marker pair on b2.
k1 - k36 real Stiffness values of the 6x6 stiffness matrix.
l Field Left field.
label string The descriptive label of the field pair.
length 1 - length 6 real The reference lengths between the i marker and the j marker.
local_dll string The path and filename of the local DLL to be used. Applicable only if use_local_dll is set to TRUE.
note string The note on the field pair.
num integer The unique identification number within MDL.
origin PointPair The origin of the field pair entity.
ornt_dir1 The axis type that is being oriented for the first axis of the field pair.
ornt_dir2 The axis type that is being oriented to define the plane.
ornt_meth The type of orientation used for the field pair.
r Field Right field.
rm MarkerPair The reference marker used when the orientation method is Angles.
state boolean Control state (TRUE or FALSE).
TM, TX, TY, TZ real Shortcut notation for a curve independent variable when the indepenent variable is torque.
_user_state boolean The state that can be set by the user (TRUE or FALSE).
use_local_dll boolean The flag for whether a DLL specific to an instance of the field pair entity will be used.
user boolean Set to TRUE if the field pair properties will be described by a user subroutine.
usr_sub string The solver expression that sets the arguments for the user-defined field pair.
usr_type string Indicates that the field pair will be described by a user subroutine. Valid settings include USER.
varname string The variable name of the field pair.
VX, VY, VZ real Shortcut notation for a curve independent variable when the indepenent variable is translational velocity.
WX, WY, WZ real Shortcut notation for a curve independent variable when the indepenent variable is rotational velocity.
x1, y1, z1 real The values for the components of a vector when align_meth1 is DxDyDz (not related to the DXDYDZ curve shortcut notation).
x2, y2, z2 real The values for the components of a vector when align_meth2 is DxDyDz (not related to the DXDYDZ curve shortcut notation).