
Creates a material entity that can be used to assign a material for an NLFE body or certain type of graphics.




The variable name of the material property.
Data type: varname
The descriptive label of the material property.
Data type: label
The material elasticity model of the material type. Available options are: LINEAR for linear elastic material and HYPER for hyper elastic material.
Data type: Keyword


In the example below a material property is created and is referenced by an NLFE body:
*BeginMDL( the_model, "Model", )
 *Point( p_0, "Point 0" )
 *Point( p_1, "Point 1" )
 *Point( p_2, "Point 2" )
 *Point( p_3, "Point 3" )
 *Point( p_4, "Point 4" )
 *LDBody( ldb_0, "LDBody 0", p_0, p_1, p_2, p_3, p_4 )
*MaterialProperty( propmat_Steel1, "Steel 1", LINEAR )
 *SetPoint( p_1, 10 )
 *SetPoint( p_2, 20 )
 *SetPoint( p_3, 30 )
 *SetPoint( p_4, 40 )
 *SetOrientation( ldb_0.orient_end, TWOAXES, XY, DXDYDZ, ldb_0.pt4.x - ldb_0.pt3.x, ldb_0.pt4.y - ldb_0.pt3.y, ldb_0.pt4.z - ldb_0.pt3.z, DXDYDZ, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 )
 *SetOrientation( ldb_0.orient_start, TWOAXES, XY, POINT, ldb_0.pt1, DXDYDZ, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 )
 *SetMaterialProperty( propmat_Steel1, ISO, 210500.0, 0.29, 7.82e-6 )
 *SetLDBody( ldb_0, CIRCULAR, 20, 10, 30, 25, 0.03, propmat_Steel1 )




表 1.
Property Returns Data Type Description
label string The label of the material property.
elastic_type keyword LINEAR - for a linear elastic material

HYPER - for a hyper elastic material

Properties applicable for Linear-elastic material (LINEAR)
表 2.
Property Returns Data Type Description
isotropic_type keyword ISO - for isotropic material

ANISO - for anisotropic material

ORTHO - for orthotropic material

Properties applicable for Linear-elastic Isotropic material (ISO)
表 3.
Property Returns Data Type Description
elasticity real Young's modulus.
poisson_ratio real Poisson's ratio.
density_rho real The material density.
Properties applicable for Linear-elastic Anisotropic material (ANISO)
表 4.
Property Returns Data Type Description
g11, g12, g13, g14, g15, g16

g22, g23, g24, g25, g26

g33, g34, g35, g36

g44, g45, g46

g55, g56


real gij where i, j = 1, 2,...,6; i ≤ j.

Elements of the stiffness matrix of the anisotropic material.

density_rho real The material density.
Properties applicable for Linear-elastic Orthotropic material (ORTHO)
表 5.
Property Returns Data Type Description
elasticity_rx real Young's modulus in the rx direction.
elasticity_ry real Young's modulus in the ry direction.
elasticity_rz real Young's modulus in the rz direction.
shear_rx_ry real Shear modulus in the plane rx - ry.
shear_rx_rz real Shear modulus in the plane rx - rz.
shear_ry_rz real Shear modulus in the plane ry - rz.
poisson_ratio_rx real Poisson's ratio for uniaxial loading in the rx direction.
poisson_ratio_ry real Poisson's ratio for uniaxial loading in the ry direction.
poisson_ratio_rz real Poisson's ratio for uniaxial loading in the rz direction.
density_rho real The material density.
Properties applicable for Hyper-elastic material (HYPER)
表 6.
Property Returns Data Type Description
hyperelastic_type keyword NHI - Incompressible Neo-Hookean material model

NHC - Compressible Neo-Hookean material model

MR - Mooney-Rivlin material model

YEOH - Yeoh material model

Properties applicable for Incompressible Neo-Hookean Material Model (NHI)
表 7.
Property Returns Data Type Description
shear real Shear modulus.
poisson_ratio real Poisson's ratio.
density_rho real The material density.
Properties applicable for Compressible Neo-Hookean Material Model (NHC)
表 8.
Property Returns Data Type Description
shear real Shear modulus.
poisson_ratio real Poisson's ratio.
density_rho real The material density.
Properties applicable for Mooney-Rivlin Material Model (MR)
表 9.
Property Returns Data Type Description
mu01 real Material constant μ01 of the Mooney-Rivlin model.
mu10 real Material constant μ10 of the Mooney-Rivlin model.
poisson_ratio real Poisson's ratio.
density_rho real The material density.
Properties applicable for Yeoh Material Model (YEOH)
表 10.
Property Returns Data Type Description
c10 real Material constant c10 of Yeoh model.
c20 real Material constant c20 of Yeoh model.
c30 real Material constant c30 of Yeoh model.
poisson_ratio real Poisson's ratio.
density_rho real The material density.


A material property can be used in a Cylinder, Box, Sphere, and CADGraphic type of graphic entity.

When any graphic of the above mentioned types has a material property assigned to it, their parent bodies properties can be automatically calculated using the data member.

The properties of the material can be set using the *SetMaterialProperty() statement.

MotionView provides commonly used material properties by default.

When used on an NLFE body, MotionView will export the material properties to the NLFE XML as relevant material cards, such as MAT2 and MAT6. Refer to MotionSolve NLFE reference manual for additional information.

Currently, defining a material under a system or assembly is not allowed.