
Creates a body.


*Body(body_name,"body_label",[cm_origin], [im_origin], [lprf_origin] [vm_marker] [wm_marker])


The variable name of the body.
Data type: varname
The descriptive label of the body.
Data type: label
An optional argument for the center of mass for the body.
Data type: Point
An optional argument for the origin of the inertia marker for the body.
Data type: Point
An optional argument for the origin of the local part reference frame for the body.
Data type: Point
An optional argument that specifies the direction of translational velocity initial conditions.
Data type: Point
An optional argument that specifies the axes about which angular velocity initial conditions are defined.
Data type: Point


*Point(crank_cm, "Crank center of mass")
*Body(crank, "Crank", 






表 1.
Property Returns Data Type Description
cg Point The point where the center of mass is located.
cm Marker The marker at the center of mass.
dummy_bodies boolean Flags MotionView to use dummy bodies for all attachments of flexbody.
id integer Used to access the solver IDs of parts using the following MDL syntax: ^body_name.id^.
idstring string Used to access the solver IDs of parts using the following MDL syntax: ^body_name.idstring^. ^idstring ^causes the ID to be formatted as a string, where id causes the ID to be formatted as a number.
im Marker The inertia marker of the body.
ixx real The mass moment of inertia of the body about the X axis.
iyy real The mass moment of inertia of the body about the Y axis.
izz real The mass moment of inertia of the body about the Z axis.
ixy real The mass product of inertia of the body about the X and Y axis of its inertia marker.
iyz real The mass product of inertia of the body about the Y and Z axis of its inertia marker.
ixz real The mass product of inertia of the body about the X and Z axis of its inertia marker.
label string The descriptive label of the body.
lprf Marker The local part reference frame of the body.
mass real The mass of the body.
node_tol real Sets the tolerance to be used when the Find button in the interface is selected.
state boolean Control state (TRUE or FALSE).
varname string The variable name of the body.