
Creates a 3D graphics based contact force between two bodies.


*Contact(varname,label, contact_type, coulomb_friction, BODY, b1, in, ig1,FNi1,ig2,FNi2ign,FNin, BODY, b2, jn, jg1,FNj1,jg2,FNj2jgn,FNjn )


The variable name of the contact force definition.
Data type: varname
The descriptive label of the contact force.
Data type: string
The type of contact. Valid choices are: IMPACT|POISSON|VOLUME|USER.
Data type: keyword
Indicates the choice of using coloumb_friction. Valid choices: OFF|ON|DYNAMIC_ONLY|USER.
Data type: keyword
A keyword to indicate the body to be used for contact definition. Currently, this is the only keyword that is supported.
Data type: keyword
The first body in the contact force definition.
Data type: Body
The number of graphic entities related to the first body in the contact force definition.
Data type: integer
ig1, ig2,...ign
The varname of graphic entities on the first body to be used for the contact force. The number of entities in this series should match in.
Data type: Graphics
FNi1, FNi2...FNin
The keyword associated with each varname of the graphic entity above to indicate whether the normals have to be flipped or not. Valid choices are: true or false.
Data type: boolean
The second body in the contact force definition.
Data type: Body
The number of graphic entities related to the second body in the contact force definition.
Data type: integer
FNj1, FNj2...FNjn
The keyword associated with each varname of the graphic entity above to indicate whether the normals have to be flipped or not. Valid choices are: true or false.
Data type: boolean


 *Point( p_sph, "Sphere Center" )
 *Body( b_sph, "Sphere", p_sph )
 *Graphic( gra_sph, "Sphere_Graphics", SPHERE, b_sph, p_sph, 10 )
 *Graphic( gra_box, "Box_Graphics", BOX, 
ZX, VECTOR, V_Global_Z, 
VECTOR, V_Global_X, 10, 10, 250.0 )
*Contact( con_sph_box, "Sphere to box contact", IMPACT, 
BODY, b_sph, 1, 
gra_sph, false, 
BODY, B_Ground, 1, 
gra_box, false )
*SetContact( con_sph_box, 1e5, 1.5, 1000, 0.1 )







表 1.
Property Returns Data Type Description
contact_type keyword Valid values are: IMPACT|POISSON|VOLUME|USER
coulomb_friction keyword ON|OFF|DYNAMICS_ONLY
exponent real Applicable for ^contact_type^ IMPACT. Specifies the value of the exponent for stiffness.
damping Body Applicable for ^contact_type^ IMPACT. Specifies the value of the damping coefficient.
dmax real Applicable for ^contact_type^ IMPACT. Specifies the value of the maximum penetration depth before full damping is applied.
friction_trans_vel real The value where the coefficient of friction becomes ^mu_dynamic^. When the slip velocity is between ^stiction_trans_vel^ and ^friction_trans_vel^, the coefficient of friction is in transition between the two.
id integer The numeric ID assigned to the entity.
id_string string The assigned ID in a string format.
ig1, ...ign Graphic The graphic entities belonging to the first body.
ig_1_flip_normal,…ig_n_flip_normal boolean Returns true or false, based on the state of the flip normal for each i graphic.
jg1, ...jgn Graphic The graphic entities belonging to the second body.
jg_1_flip_normal,^…jg_n_flip_normal boolean Returns true or false, based on the state of the flip normal for each j graphic.
label string The descriptive label.
mu_static real The coefficient of friction when the slip velocity is less than ^stiction_trans_vel^.
mu_dynamic real The coefficient of friction when the slip velocity is greater than ^friction_trans_vel^.
num integer The last digit of the ID.
penalty Point Determines the local stiffness properties between materials. Larger values lead to reduced penetration between two bodies. Used with the Poisson method of normal force calculation.
rest_coeff Point The value representing the energy loss between the two bodies in contact. A value of one represents no energy loss and a perfectly elastic contact. Used with the Poisson method of normal force calculation.
state boolean Returns true or false. True if the entity is active, otherwise false.
stiction_trans_vel real The value where the coefficient of friction becomes ^mu_dynamic^. When the slip velocity is between ^stiction_trans_vel^ and ^friction_trans_vel^, the coefficient of friction is in transition between the two.
stiffness real Applicable for contact_type IMPACT. Specifies the value of the stiffness associated with the contact force.
type string Returns "Contact".
use_aug_formulation boolean Used for the ADAMS solvermode only, to use the augmented Lagrangian formulation.
varname varname The variable name of the contact definition.


This statement can be used to define a 3D graphical based contact force between two sets of graphics that belong to different bodies.

At least one graphic should be listed for each body in this definition for arguments ign and jgn.contact_type determines the method used to calculate the normal force. Available methods are IMPACT, POISSON, VOLUME, and USER. VOLUME and USER are available only available for the MotionSolve solver mode. Based on the chosen method, relevant properties in *SetContact should be provided.

All ign graphics must reference the same body, and all jgn graphics must reference the same body, however the body for the ign graphics must be different than the body for the jgn graphics. When exporting to the ADAMS solver, MotionView utilizes a parasolid file of the same base name as the H3D graphics file and in the same file location. Parasolids containing only one solid (element) must be used. The reference marker for the parasolid is implicitly generated based on the location of the H3D graphic in the MDL model.