
Creates an option menu.


*Option(option_name,"option_label",n,"option_1", "option_2",, "option_n", [ival_1,ival_2,,ival_n], [strval_1,strval_2,,strval_n], edit_option)


The variable name of the option menu.
Data type: varname
The descriptive label of the option menu.
Data type: label
The number of items in the option menu.
Data type: integer
option_1, option_2,..., option_n
Labels for the option menu items.
Data type: string
ival_1, ival_2, ..., ival_n
Optional integer values associated with the items in the option menu.
Data type: integer
strval_1, strval_2, ..., strval_n
Optional string values associated with the items in the option menu.
Data type: string
A keyword which specifies whether or not this data member entity is editable in the MotionView graphical user interface. Valid values are: EDIT or NO_EDIT
Data type: keyword
The variable name of the option menu.
Data type: string


 *Option(model, "Model", 5, "Small", 
 "Sport Utility", 
 *Integer(wheelbase, "Wheelbase")
 *Real(spr_mass_cg_hgt, "Sprung Mass CG Height")
 *Real(frnt_spr_mass, "Front Sprung Mass")
 *Real(rear_spr_mass, "Rear Sprung Mass")








表 1.
Property Returns Data Type Description
current_index integer Index of the currently selected item.
ival integer The integer value associated with the currently selected item.
label string The descriptive label of the option menu.
state boolean Control state (TRUE or FALSE).
strval string The string value associated with the currently selected item.
value string The label of the currently selected item.
varname string The variable name of the option menu.


The optional values ival and strval do not appear in an option list. They are for use by other MDL statements. Selecting a particular item makes the associated ival and strval the current ival and strval. For example, if the second item of opt_name were selected, opt_name.ival and opt_name.strval would be assigned the value of ival_2 and strval_2.

The arguments in an *Option() statement specify the option menu items. The current selection from the option menu is specified by a *SetOption() statement. Unless otherwise specified, the first item of an option menu is set as the current selection.