Apply Colors to Notes Based on Hotspot Rank or Value

You can apply colors to all the hotspot notes based on their rank or value.
  1. Open the Hotspot Finder dialog by clicking on the guide bar.
  2. Switch to the Preferences tab.
  3. Apply colors to the hotspot notes based on the hotspot rank or value. Click the check box for Note Color Levels.
    By default, Note color levels will be applied based on their ranks, starting with Red for Rank 1.
  4. Change the Note Color Levels settings by clicking the Select button. Choose the number of Levels.
  5. Choose the method of sorting the notes using the Sort by option, selecting between Rank and Value. Click Apply after making your selection.
  6. Change the size of the highlighted regions in the Global regions or transparency views by selecting a Focus Region Size.
    By default, it is set to Auto which calculates the size of the focus region based on the element size.
  7. Change the transparency level applied to the hotspot view modes by using the Transparency slider bar.