View new features for Engineering Solutions 2021.
HyperWorks Engineering Solutions is a modeling and visualization environment for NVH, Crash, CFD, Drop Test and Aerospace using best-in-class solver technology.
Discover Engineering Solutions functionality with interactive tutorials.
Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH) is an important vehicle attribute that directly affects the customer experience.
Use Squeak and Rattle Director tool to create evaluation lines, evaluate them and optimize the interfaces to eliminate squeak and rattle issues.
The Crash application offers a tailored environment in HyperWorks that efficiently steers the Crash CAE specialist in CAE model building, starting from CAD geometry and finishing with a runnable solver deck in Radioss, LS-DYNA and PAM-CRASH 2G.
HyperWorks offers high quality tools for CFD applications enabling the engineer to perform modeling, optimization and post-processing tasks efficiently.
The Drop Test Manager is an automated solution that allows you to either simulate a single drop test or a choice of multiple iterations with the aim of finding the sensitivity of process variables like initial orientation and drop height in a typical drop test by controlling the run parameters and conditions with ease.
Many essential utility tools using HyperWorks-Tcl have been developed over the years to support Aerospace customers. A few tools have been collected and upgraded to be compatible with this release.
The Aerospace menu is a useful utility to build and view aerospace models.
Create an assembly structure from a .csv file definition.
Create and review pressure loads on 1D elements that are fully or partially loaded.
It is convenient to apply aerospace loads and concentrated mass that is predefined at specific node ID’s from an Excel file. This requires carefully numbering nodes with specific ID’s, which is a standard practice in aerospace.
Line loads allow total loads (forces and moments) to be applied in a distributed manner on nodes even though the load is applied on geometry lines or set of nodes forming ordered edges.
Connect two dissimilar meshes using displacement constraint elements.
Aircraft windows are normally modeled with CROD elements around the hole of the shells. Constant pressure on the window area is applied by means of force distribution on the edge nodes.
Use the Transformation Tool to translate, scale, reflect or rotate elements with multiple numbers of copies, including properties and loads, attached to them.
Converts the pressure load to be applied on shell elements to equivalent forces on the corner nodes of the selected shell elements.
Map thermal loads from one model to another.
Implement a special RBE2 connection with assigned DOFs.
Use multiple combinations of source files (in the form of CSV) and multiple target models (decks or HyperMesh .dbs) to realize field mapping for the creation of new loads, such as temperature and pressure.
Use the Plot SPC/SPCD tool to display the SPC/SPCD assigned to the nodes in their relevant analysis (output) system. The tool shows the coefficients of the selected degrees of freedom (DOF) and the ID of the system associated to the node(s) where the constraint is applied.
Framework to plug certification methods inside HyperWorks to assess margin of safety from the model and result information.
Provides tools to create and manage connectors.
Provides functions to help you morph the shape of a finite element model.
Engineering Solutions Optimization technology is supported by OptiStruct.
Solver interfaces supported in Engineering Solutions.
A solver interface is made up of a template and a FE-input reader.
Support provided by the CAD readers and writers.
Browsers supply a great deal of view-related functionality in Engineering Solutions by listing the parts of a model in a tabular and/or tree-based format, and providing controls inside the table that allow you to alter the display of model parts.
Panels contains pre-processing and post-processing tools.
Create, edit, and cleanup geometry.
Learn about the different types of mesh you can create in HyperWorks.
Create connections between parts of your model.
Create, organize, and manage the CAE parts.
Perform automatic checks on CAD models, and identify potential issues with geometry that may slow down the meshing process using the Verification and Comparison tools.
Overview of how to build a finite element model.
Morph the shape of your finite element model.
Setup an Optimization in Engineering Solutions.
Convert finite element models to another solver format.
Study relationships between data vectors in results files.
Learn how to use post-processing functions.
Many essential utility tools using HyperWorks-Tcl have been developed over the years to support Aerospace customers. A few tools have been collected and upgraded to be compatible with this release.
The Aerospace menu is a useful utility to build and view aerospace models.
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