SS-T: 2050 Remote Mass

Create Remote Mass in SimSolid.


SimSolid performs meshless structural analysis that works on full featured parts and assemblies, is tolerant of geometric imperfections, and runs in seconds to minutes. In this tutorial, you will do the following:
  • Create Remote Mass on a Gantry hoist.

Model Description

The following file is needed for this tutorial:
  • RemoteMass.ssp

Figure 1.
The project file has the following specifications:
  • Material is set to Steel for all parts.
  • Regular connections with 0.003mm gap and penetration tolerance.

Open Project

Open the SimSolid project file.

  1. Start a new SimSolid session.
  2. Click the (Open Project) icon.

    Figure 2.
  3. In the Open project file dialog, choose RemoteMass.ssp
  4. Click OK.

Create Remote Mass

Create remote mass on selected faces.

  1. On the Connections workbench, select > Remote Mass.

    Figure 3.
  2. In the modeling window, select the faces as shown in orange in Figure 4.

    Figure 4.
  3. Verify the Coordinate system tab is selected and uncheck Set in COG.
  4. Enter coordinates for where to apply the remote mass.
    1. For Origin X, enter 0.00422237.
    2. For Origin Y, enter -0.25.
    3. For Origin Z, enter 0.00197289.
  5. Set the Coordinate system.
    1. Select the Axis X radio button and enter [1, 0, 0] for [X, Y, Z].
    2. Select the Axis Y radio button and enter [0,1, 0] for [X, Y, Z].
  6. Click on the Inertia tab.
  7. For Mass, enter 25.

    Figure 5.
  8. Click OK.
    The Remote Mass is listed under Connections > Virtual Connectors in the Project Tree. It is shown in the modeling window as a point mass at the specified coordinates.

    Figure 6.

Create Modal Analysis

  1. On the main window toolbar, click the (Modal analysis) icon.

    Figure 7.
  2. In the popup Number of modes window, specify the number of modes as 9.
  3. Click OK.
    The new modal analysis will appear in the Project Tree.

Create Immovable Supports

Create immovable supports

  1. In the Analysis Workbench, click (Immovable support).

    Figure 8.
  2. In the dialog, verify the Faces radio button is selected.
  3. In the modeling window, select the faces of the tires as shown in Figure 9.
    Figure 9.
  4. Click OK.

Run Analysis

Solve the analysis.

  1. In the Project Tree, open the Analysis Workbench.
  2. Click (Solve).

Review Results

Plot the displacement contour.

  1. On the Analysis workbench toolbar, click the (Results plot) icon.
  2. Select Displacement Magnitude.
    The Legend window will open and display the contour plot. The Frequency (Hz) window will open and display the modes. You can cycle between the frequencies to view their mode shapes.

    Figure 10.

Compare Results With and Without Remote Mass

View displacement magnitude contour plot for both analyses and compare results.

  1. Copy Design Study 1 to create Design Study 2.
    1. In the Project Tree, right-click on Design Study 1.
    2. Select Copy from the context menu.

      Figure 11.
  2. Under Design Study 2 > Connections, right-click on Remote mass 1 and choose Delete from the context menu.

    Figure 12.
  3. Select Design Study 2 and click (Solve) on the workbench toolbar.
  4. Plot Displacement Magnitude for Design Study 2.
    1. On the Analysis workbench toolbar, click the (Results plot) icon.
    2. Select Displacement Magnitude.
  5. In the Project Tree, click between the Results branches for both Modal analyses to compare the Displacement Magnitude plots.

    Figure 13. Results with Remote Mass

    Figure 14. Results without Remote Mass