
Return the weighted determinant of the element Jacobian at the quadrature point.


wghtDetJac = udfGetElmWDetJ( udfHd ) ;


User Defined Element


The opaque handle (pointer) which was passed to the user function.

Return Value

wghtDetJac (Real*)
Pointer to one dimensional real array of the weighted determinant of the Jacobian at the element quadrature point. The array dimension is the number of elements, nItems.


This routine returns the weighted determinant of the element Jacobian at the quadrature point. The unit of this quantity is volume. The sum over the quadrature points is the volume of the element. For example,
Real* wghtDetJac ;
Real wDetJ ;
Integer elem ;
wghtDetJac = udfGetElmWDetJ( udfHd ) ;
for ( elem = 0 ; elem < nItems ; elem++ ) {
  wDetJ = wghtDetJac[elem] ;


  • This routine expects a valid udfHd.
  • This routine may only be called within a Body Force, Material Model or Component Model user function.