Convert Beams to Equivalent Shells/Surfaces

Use the Create tool to create 2D elements and surfaces from 1D beams.

The tool allows you to create the following:
  • Surfaces
  • Shell Mesh

It also supports options to create surfaces/mesh congruent with beam nodes.

Only elements with standard beamsection are supported. Valid shapes are thinwall or hollow sections like for instance: Z, T, I, H L, Boxes, C, U, HAT, Bulbs (idealized as L) as they will be modelled as midsurfaces. Solid kind of shape like ROD are skipped.

Figure 1.
  1. From the Marine ribbon, click the Create tool.

    Figure 2.
  2. Select elements or components you want to convert.

    The tool filters your selection so only bar2 elements are retained.

  3. On the guide bar, click to change organization and connectivity options.
  4. Choose on the of the following:
    Option Description
    Generate surfaces from beams but not 2D elements
    1. Place a check in the Surface only checkbox
    2. Click to create surfaces and remain in the tool or click to create surfaces and exit the tool.
    Generate surfaces and 2D elements from beams
    1. Clear the Surface only checkbox.
    2. In the microdialog, select the element size and type for the shells.
    3. Click in the microdialog.

    During surface extraction, the thickness is mapped to surfaces but properties are not created directly from this tool.

Congruent Mesh

If the connectivity option is set to Congruent with beams some shapes, such as Channels (C, U) L, T (and variants) Bulbs, I are repositioned congruent with beam nodes no matter what the exact offset value if beams are connected to shell elements. The sign of offset along element normal will place created surfaces in correct side.

Whenever this option is active, the resulting mesh will be connected to beam node; mesh size will be honored only in remaining edges trying to achieve a panel mesh.