Unless otherwise specified, data names are accessible in level 3 only.
- engineering_type
- The engineering type of load. Engineering loads act on set entities. Valid values are:
The following data names are available for both classic and engineering loads:
- attributesmax
- The number of attributes owned by this entity.
- collector
- Pointer to the collector that owns the load.
- config
- The configuration of the entity.
- definedentity
- True if the entity is defined, false otherwise.
- entityid
- The ID of the entity the load is attached to.
- entitytype
- The type of the entity to which the load is applied.
- 2 - elem
- 3 - comp
- 5 - surf
- 10 - set
- entitytypename
- The string type of the entity to which the load is applied.
- elems
- comps
- surfs
- sets
- id
- The ID of the entity.
- include
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in.
- includeid
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in.
- internalid
- The ID of the entity.
- set
- Pointer to the set when the load is applied to a set.
- moduleid
- The module ID of the entity.
- poolid
- The pool number of the entity.
- poolname
- The pool name of the entity.
- solver_id
- The solver ID of the entity.
- solverkeyword
- The name of the solver keyword.
- type
- The solver dependent type code for the entity.
- typename
- The solver dependent type name for the entity.
- vectorx
- The x component of the unit vector.
- vectory
- The y component of the unit vector.
- vectorz
- The z component of the unit vector.
The following data names are available for classic loads:
- baselocation
- The coordinates where the load on a component or set should display. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- baselocationx
- The x-coordinate where the load on a component or set should display.
- baselocationy
- The y-coordinate where the load on a component or set should display.
- baselocationz
- The z-coordinate where the load on a component or set should display.
- center
- The coordinates of the element centroid for loads applied to shell element faces. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- centerx
- The x-coordinate of the element centroid for loads applied to shell element faces.
- centery
- The y-coordinate of the element centroid for loads applied to shell element faces.
- centerz
- The z-coordinate of the element centroid for loads applied to shell element faces.
- comp1
- The x component of the vector in the global coordinate system.
- comp2
- The y component of the vector in the global coordinate system.
- comp3
- The z component of the vector in the global coordinate system.
- component
- Pointer to the component when the load is applied to a component.
- corner1
- The ID of a grid point connected to a corner of the face. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- corner2
- The ID of a grid point connected to a corner diagonally opposite to corner1 on the same face. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- curveid
- The ID of the curve defining the load magnitude when a curve has been used to define the load.
- edgelength
- The length of the loaded edge for edge pressures.
- element
- Pointer to the element when the load is applied to an element.
- elementtype
- The type of element the load is applied to.
- 1 - shell
- 2 - tetra
- 3 - penta
- 4 - hexa
- face
- The element face number for face pressures.
- facearea
- The area of the loaded face for face pressures.
- facetype
- The type of face for face pressures.
- 3 - tria
- 4 - quad
- inputsystem
- Pointer to the reference system.
- inputsystemid
- The ID of the reference system.
- local_comp1
- The x component of the vector in the local coordinate system.
- local_comp2
- The y component of the vector in the local coordinate system.
- local_comp3
- The z component of the vector in the local coordinate system.
- local_vector
- The load vector in the local coordinate system.
- local_vectorx
- The x component of the unit vector in the local coordinate system.
- local_vectory
- The y component of the unit vector in the local coordinate system.
- local_vectorz
- The z component of the unit vector in the local coordinate system.
- location
- The ID of the element where the load is applied. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- magnitude
- The magnitude of the load.
- mappedid
- The ID of the original load on geometry.
- node1
- The ID of the first face node for face pressures.
- node2
- The ID of the second face node for face pressures.
- node3
- The ID of the third face node for face pressures.
- node4
- The ID of the fourth face node for face pressures.
- pressuretype
- The type of pressure.
- 0 - pressure on face
- 1 - traction on face
- 2 - pressure on edge
- 3 - traction on edge
- vector
- The component of the unit vector. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- xscale
- The x scale or time scale of the load curve when a curve has been used to define the load.
The following data names are available for engineering loads:
- compx
- The dot product of the load vector projected on the global x axis.
- compy
- The dot product of the load vector projected on the global y axis.
- compz
- The dot product of the load vector projected on the global z axis.
- distribution_table_count
- The number of rows of a non-uniform engineering load.
- field
- The field entity that stores the tabular load data.
- location_unit_element
- The elements for which the data is stored in the table for a non-uniform engineering load.
- location_unit_facet
- The elements for which the data is stored in the table for a non-uniform engineering load.
- orient
- The load orientation vector.
- orientx
- The x component of the load orientation vector.
- orienty
- The y component of the load orientation vector.
- orientz
- The z component of the load orientation vector.
- resultant_magnitude
- The resultant scalar component of the load vector in the global coordiante system.
The following data names are available for ADVC engineering loads:
- displayname
- The text for the title entry.
- distribution
- The distribution type:
- expanded_form_flag
- Flag to export loads on nodes.
- keyword_name
- Flag to specify if the title entry is enabled.
- load_step_id
- The ID of the referred loadstep.
- magnitude
- The scale factor (default 1.0).
- prev_bc
- Flag to hold previously applied boundary conditions.
- vector
- The direction of the force vector. At lesat one of the vector components must be non-zero.
The following data names are available for ADVC engineering loads:
- displayname
- The text for the title entry.
- distribution
- The distribution type:
- expanded_form_flag
- Flag to export loads on nodes.
- keyword_name
- Flag to specify if the title entry is enabled.
- load_step_id
- The ID of the referred loadstep.
- magnitude
- The scale factor (default 1.0).
- prev_bc
- Flag to hold previously applied boundary conditions.
- reference_position
- Specifies whether the initial shape or deformed shape should be considered for boundary conditions. Valid values are:
The following data names are available for LS-DYNA engineering loads:
- activation_time
- The arrival or birth time of pressure (default 0.0).
- beam_axial_dir
- The direction of the applied load.
- box_region_def
- The box ID.
- curveid
- The load curve ID.
- displayname
- The description of the loading.
- element_inclusion_option
- Flag for applying pressure to elements inside or outside of projected curve.
- keyword_name
- Flag that activates ID option.
- magnitude
- The load curve scale factor (default 1.0).
- masking_fn_projection_vec
- The vector ID used to project the masking curve onto the surface of the part.
- motion_vec_dir
- The vector ID normal to the surface on which the applied pressure acts.
- pressure_lower_limit
- The threshold point where pressure loads will be discontinued for LOAD_MASK (type=4) (default 0.0).
- pressure_mask_fn
- The curve ID defining the mask.
- rgd_bdy_vel_opt_overwrite
- The load curve ID option for LOAD_SEGMENT (type=1).
- shell_part
- The part ID which must consist three-dimensional shell elements.
- timestep_offset
- Number of time steps between updating the list of active elements (default 200).
The following data names are available for Nastran engineering loads:
- nas_pload4_ldir
- The direction of the line load. Valid values are X, Y, X, NORM (default) and TANG.
- nas_pload4_sorl
- LINE - Consistent edge loads acting on the edges of the element
The following data names are available for OptiStruct and Nastran engineering loads:
- beam_load_distribution_flag
- For PLOAD1, determines whether the load distribution is concentrated (0) or distributed (1).
- distribution
- The distribution type:
- inputsystem
- The ID fo the coordinate system.
- magnitude
- For PLOAD, the pressure.
- os_pload_type
- The load type:
- os_scale
- The scale factor for x1 and x2 for PLOAD1:
- os_theta
- The angle between the surface traction and inward normal to the line segment.
- p2
- For PLOAD1, the load factors at positions x1 and x2.
- p3
- For PLOAD4, the load per unit surface area (pressure) at the corners of the element face.
- p4
- For PLOAD4, the load per unit surface area (pressure) at the corners of the element face.
- vector
- The vector components in the coordinate system CID. Used to define the direction (but not magnitude) of the load.
- x1
- The distances along the CBAR or CBEAM element axis from end A.
- x2
- The distances along the CBAR or CBEAM element axis from end A.
The following data names are available for OptiStruct engineering loads:
- expanded_form_flag
- Flag to export loads on nodes.
- os_ploadsf_z0
- The height of the surface of the pressure column measured along the z-axis of the user-specified system.
- os_ploadsf_z1
- The depth at which the pressure of the water column P1 is measured along the z-axis of the user-specified system.
The following data names are available for Radioss engineering loads:
- curveid
- For DFS/LASER, the ID of the curve defining the laser intensity time function number.
- displayname
- The text for the title entry.
- inputsystem
- The frame identifier for the vertical (gravitational) direction of the water column above the structural surface.
- magnitude
- The ordinate scale factor (default 1.0).
- rad_ascalex_pc
- The abscissa scale factor for rad_fct_pc (default 1.0).
- rad_ascalex_vel
- The abscissa scale factor for rad_fct_vel (default 1.0).
- rad_det_fct_id_target
- The target absorption temperature function number.
- rad_det_hn
- The plasma parameter.
- rad_det_iopt
- The optional formulation flag:
- rad_det_iopt_legacy
- The formulation flag for 2019 and earlier:
- rad_det_k0
- The inverse Bremsstrahlung coefficient k0.
- rad_det_ks
- The compliment absorption in vapor.
- rad_det_locationA
- The coordinates of point A (default 0.0).
- rad_det_locationB
- The coordinates of point B (default 0.0).
- rad_det_materialid
- The explosive identifier (default 0). All JWL material laws are included.
- rad_det_nc
- The target element number.
- rad_det_node1
- The ID of the node defining point A coordinates.
- rad_det_node2
- The ID of the node defining point B coordinates.
- rad_det_rd
- The inverse Bremsstrahlung coefficient.
- rad_det_s_target
- The target absorption scale factor.
- rad_det_time
- The detonation time (default 0.0).
- rad_det_vcp
- The enthalpy of vaporization.
- rad_dir
- The vertical (gravitational) direction of the water colum above the structural surface. Valid values are X, Y and Z.
- rad_dir_vel
- The direction of fluid velocity. Valid values are X, Y and Z.
- rad_ebcs_c
- The speed of sound (default 0.0).
- rad_ebcs_fscale_en
- The energy scale factor (default 0.0).
- rad_ebcs_fscale_pr
- The pressure scale factor (default 0.0).
- rad_ebcs_fscale_rho
- The density scale factor (default 0.0).
- rad_ebcs_lc
- The characteristic length (default 0.0).
- rad_ebcs_r1
- The linear resistance (default 0.0).
- rad_ebcs_r2
- The quadratic resistance (default 0.0).
- rad_ebcs_rho
- The initial density (default 0.0).
- rad_fct_en
- The function identifier for energy.
- rad_fct_pc
- The ID of the curve defining the hydrodynamic drag coefficient as a function of time.
- rad_fct_pr
- The function identifier for pressure.
- rad_fct_rho
- The function identifier for density.
- rad_fct_vel
- The ID of the curve defining the fluid velocity as a function of time.
- rad_frameid_vel
- The frame identifier for the fluid velocity direction.
- rad_fscaley_pc
- The ordinate scale factor for rad_fct_pc (default 1.0).
- rad_fscale_vel
- The ordinate scale factor for rad_fct_vel (default 1.0).
- rad_sensor_id
- The ID of the sensor entity.
- xscale
- The abscissa scale factor (default 1.0).
Version History
2020 - New support for engineering loads. Added new data names beam_load_distribution_flag, compx, compy, compz, corner1, corner2, displayname, distribution, distribution_table_count, engineering_type, field, local_comp1, local_comp2, local_comp3, local_vector, local_vectorx, local_vectory, local_vectorz, location, location_unit_element, location_unit_facet, nas_pload4_ldir, nas_pload4_sorl, orient, orientx, orienty, orientz, os_pload_type, os_ploadsf_z0, os_ploadsf_z1, os_scale, os_theta, p2, p3, p4, rad_ascalex_pc, rad_ascalex_vel, rad_det_fct_id_target, rad_det_hn, rad_det_iopt, rad_det_iopt_legacy, rad_det_k0, rad_det_ks, rad_det_locationA, rad_det_locationB, rad_det_materialid, rad_det_nc, rad_det_node1, rad_det_node2, rad_det_rd, rad_det_s_target, rad_det_time, rad_det_vcp, rad_dir, rad_dir_vel, rad_ebcs_c, rad_ebcs_fscale_en, rad_ebcs_lc, rad_ebcs_fscale_pr, rad_ebcs_fscale_rho, rad_ebcs_r1, rad_ebcs_r2, rad_ebcs_rho, rad_ftc_en, rad_fct_pc, rad_ftc_pr, rad_ftc_rho, rad_fct_vel, rad_frameid_vel, rad_fscaley_pc, rad_fscaley_vel, rad_sensor_id, x1 and x2.
2020.1 - Added new data name solverkeyword.
2021 - Added new data names keyword_name, load_step_id, prev_bc and reference_position. New ADVC support.
2021.1 – Added new data names for LS-DYNA engineering loads: activation_time, beam_axial_dir, box_region_def, curveid, displayname, element_inclusion_option, keyword_name, magnitude, masking_fn_projection_vec, motion_vec_dir, pressure_lower_limit, pressure_mask_fn, rgd_bdy_vel_opt_overwrite, shell_part, and timestep_offset.
2021.1 - Added new data names moduleid, poolid, poolname, and solver_id.