- acceload
- DLOAD or TLOAD1 ID when config=309.
- acceload_select
- DLOAD or TLOAD1 ID when config=309.
- aio
- Additional output request when config=305.
- aio_num
- Number of output requests when config=305.
- alctrl
- Arc-length control flag when config=303.
- alphaaj1
- The real part of the shift point when config=302.
- alphaaj2
- The real part of the shift point when config=302.
- alphabj
- The real part of the shift point when config=302.
- ampffact
- Amplification factor when config=301 and real_eigen_type=EIGRA.
- analysisparam_c
- Component number when config=302.
- analysisparam_e
- Convergence criterion when config=302.
- analysisparam_g
- The grid or scalar point identification number when config=302.
- baselin_method
- Baseline correction method when config=309.
- baselin_timeset
- Set of time points for baseline when config=309.
- baselin_type
- Type when config=309.
- color
- The 1-64 color of the entity.
- config
- The configuration of the entity.
- cont
- Continuation flag when config=302.
- cont_nlpci
- NLPCI option flag when config=303.
- contact_count
- Holds count of contacts when config=308.
- contact_ids
- Identification number of a contact interface when config=308.
- contact_options
- Energy variables option for contact interfaces when config=308.
- contact_select
- Keyword indicating energy variables for selected contact interfaces when config=308.
- contchg
- Control of grid list printing with contact change when config=307.
- contchg_n
- Holds grid count value when config=307.
- conv
- Flags to select implicit convergence criteria when config=303.
- ctyp
- Constraint type when config=303.
- desiter
- Desired number of iterations when config=303.
- direct
- Adaptive time increment scheme when config=304.
- direct_complex_eigen_type
- Type when config=302.
- direct_select
- Time increment flag when config=304.
- dispctrl
- Flag to activate additional control parameters for the displacement control (DISPCTRL) when config=303.
- dt
- Initial load increment when config=303.
- dta
- Output time step for animation files when config=303. If zero, no output.
- dtmax
- Maximum implicit time step from which time step is set constant when config=303.
- dtmax_select
- Time increment flag when config=304.
- dtmin
- Minimum implicit time step when config=303.
- dtscd
- Scale factor for decreasing the time step when config=303.
- dtsci
- Maximum scale factor for increasing the time step when config=303.
- dtscq
- Scale factor for inertia stiffness matrix used in quasi-static analysis when config=303.
- dtth
- Output time step for time history files when config=303. If zero, no output.
- elemdist
- Returns Control the printing of distorted elements when config=307.
- epsp
- Error tolerance for load (P) criterion when config=303.
- epsu
- Error tolerance for displacement (U) criterion when config=303.
- epsw
- Error tolerance for work (W) criterion when config=303.
- eset_count
- Holds energy variables count of element set when config=308.
- eset_ids
- Identification number of an element SET when config=308.
- eset_select
- Keyword indicating energy variables for selected element SETs when config=308.
- extra
- Linear extrapolation options when config=304.
- extra_select
- Activates linear extrapolation flag when config=304.
- fixtid
- Identification number of a TABLEDi entry when
- freq
- Output frequency in increments when config=308.
- freq_value_int
- Frequency at which the intermediate results are output when config=305.
- freq_value_real
- Frequency at which the intermediate results are output when config=305.
- fstress
- Fraction of effective stress used to limit the subincrement size in the material routines when config=303.
- hg
- Control for output of HyperGraph data files (*.nlm) when config=308.
- hg_select
- The list of property IDs associated with the designvar (pointer value is property ID) when config=308.
- iblksz
- Initial block size when config=302.
- id
- The ID of the entity.
- ilin
- Perform linear instead of nonlinear analysis when config=303.
- includeid
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in.
- int
- Determines the result monitoring intervals when config=306.
- intout
- Intermediate output flag when config=303.
- item
- The result type being monitored when config=306.
- itw
- If the solution of a time step converges within ITW iterations the next time step will be increased by a factor controlled by DTSCI when config=303.
- kiner
- ON
- kmethod
- Method for controlling stiffness updates when config=303.
- ksetps
- Frequency of solve when config=302.
- kstep
- Number of iterations before stiffness update when config=303.
- larc
- Input arc-length for tsctrl = ARC, RIKS when config=303.
- ldtn
- Maximum number of iterations before resetting and decreasing the time step by a factor of DTSCD when config=303.
- lfctrl
- Flag to activate additional control parameters for the load factor control (LFCTRL) when config=303.
- lj
- Number of roots when config=302.
- lsmeth
- Line search method when config=303.
- lstol
- Line search tolerance when config=303.
- maxalr
- Maximum arc-length ratio when config=303.
- maxbis
- Maximum number of bisections allowed for each load increment when config=303.
- maxdisp
- Maximum displacement to terminate the analysis when config=303.
- maxdiv
- Limit on probable divergence conditions per iteration before the solution is assumed to diverge when config=303.
- maxdlf
- Maximum of desired incremental load factor when config=303.
- maxinc
- Maximum number of increments to terminate the analysis when config=303.
- maxiter
- Limit on number of implicit iterations for each load increment when config=303.
- maxlf
- The maximum (absolute) value of load factor (λ) to terminate the analysis when config=303.
- maxls
- Maximum number of line searches allowed for each iteration when config=303.
- maxqn
- Maximum number of quasi-Newton correction vectors to be saved on the database when config=303.
- maxr
- Maximum ratio for the adjusted arc-length increment relative to the initial value when config=303.
- maxset
- The Number of vectors in block or set when config=301and real_eigen_type=EIGRL.
- mblksz
- Maximum block size when config=302.
- method
- Method of complex eigenvalue extraction when config=302.
- method_select
- Baseline correction method when config=309.
- minalr
- The Minimum arc-length ratio when config=303.
- msglvl
- Diagnostic level when config=301 and real_eigen_type=EIGRA.
- msglvl_eigrl
- Diagnostic level when config=301 and real_eigen_type=EIGRL.
- moduleid
- The module ID of the entity.
- name
- The name of the entity.
- ncuts
- Number of cutbacks allowed to reduce the time increment when config=304.
- ncuts_select
- Number of cutbacks allowed when config=304. Toggle on (1) or off (0) state.
- ncycle
- Maximum number of time steps when config=303. If reached, solution will be terminated.
- nd
- Number of roots desired when config=301.
- nd0
- Desired number of roots and eigenvectors to be extracted when config=302.
- nd0_options
- Eigenvector and roots extraction option when config=302.
- ndj1
- Desired number of roots and eigenvectors to be extracted when config=302.
- nej
- Estimated number of roots when config=302.
- ninc
- Number of implicit load sub-increments when config=303.
- nint
- Number of intervals specified to output intermediate results when config=305.
- nladapt_dtmax
- Maximum time increment allowed when config=304.
- nladapt_dtmin
- Minimum time increment allowed when config=304.
- nladapt_dtmin_select
- Minimum time increment flag when config=304.
- nlenrg_type
- Type when config=308.
- nlmon_param_type
- Type when config=306.
- nlout_param_type
- Type when config=305.
- nlparm_c
- Degree of freedom of grid GID when config=303.
- nlparm_g
- Grid point identification number for which the MAXDISP is checked when config=303.
- nlparm_options
- NLPARM options when config=303.
- nlprint_type
- Type when config=307.
- nonlinear_output
- Nonlinear Incremental output when config=305.
- nonlinear_type
- Type when config=303.
- nopcl
- Number of grids allowed to have open-close contact status change when config=304.
- nopcl_select
- Number of grids allowed flag when config=304.
- norm
- Method used for eigenvector normalization config=301 and real_eigen_type=EIGRL or EIGRA.
- norm_eigc
- Indicates the option for normalizing eigenvectors when config=302.
- nprint
- Print every NPRINT iterations when config=303. If negative, print to .out and standard output; if positive, print only to .out file.
- nstsl
- Number of grids allowed to have stick-slip contact status change when the current time step converged when config=304.
- nstsl_select
- Number of grids allowed flag when config=304.
- omegaaj1
- Imaginary part of the shift point when config=302.
- omegaaj2
- Imaginary part of the shift point when config=302.
- omegabj
- Imaginary part of the shift point when config=302.
- option
- Arc-length control (ALCTRL) option when config=303.
- pgap_count
- Holds count of PGAP properties when config=308.
- pgap_ids
- Identification number of a PGAP property when config=308.
- pgap_options
- Energy variables options for CGAP/CGAPG elements when config=308.
- pgap_select
- Keyword indicating energy variables for selected CGAP/CGAPG elements when config=308.
- poolid
- The pool number of the entity.
- poolname
- The pool name of the entity.
- real_eigen_type
- Types when config=301.
- rfile
- Cycle frequency to write restart file for nonlinear iteration when config=303.
- rrefif
- Special residual force computation with contact interfaces present when config=303.
- rtolb
- Maximum value of incremental rotation (in degrees) allowed per iteration to activate bisection when config=303.
- scale
- Scale parameter when config=303.
- search_regions
- Tabular values count when config=302.
- set_time_id
- Identification number of a SET entry when config=305.
- shfscl
- Valid when config=301 and real_eigen_type=EIGRL.
- smdisp
- Perform small displacement and rotation analysis instead of geometric nonlinear analysis when config=303.
- solv
- Geometric nonlinear implicit solution method when config=303.
- solver_id
- The solver ID of the entity.
- sprbk
- Perform spring back analysis when config=303. Equilibrium is reached when the internal forces are less or equal to the tolerances given on NLPARM.
- stabiliz
- Scale factor value to control the stabilization energy limit when config=304.
- stabiliz_select
- Flag to limit the stabilization energy by applying a Scale Factor to the damping energy when config=304.
- sv
- State variable names selected for output when config=305.
- svi_num
- Number if state variable name when config=305.
- svnoncnv_param_type
- Output the non-convergent solution flag when config=305.
- svnoncnv_select
- Output the non-convergent solution flag when config=305.
- ta0
- Start time for writing animation files when config=303.
- timeset_select
- This field points to a SET of TYPE=TIME when config=309. Contains the time points to separate the total time period (not local subcase time period) into intervals.
- timestep_param_type
- Type when config=304.
- tout
- The method to determine the fixed time point when config=303.
- toutbool
- Tout flag when config=303.
- tsctrl
- Time step control when config=303.
- tterm
- Termination time when config=303.
- type
- Constraint function type when config=303.
- v1, v2
- Frequency range of interest in cycles per unit time when config=301.
- value_real
- Flag for the frequency real value definition when config=305.
- wscal
- Scale factor for controlling the loading contribution in the constraint equation when config=303.
Version History