
Unless otherwise specified, data names are accessible in level 3 only.

Returns non-zero if the entity is set inactive, 0 otherwise.
Type: integer
The number of attributes owned by this entity.
Type: unsigned integer
Recursive list of children module IDs. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: integer array
Recursive list of children module IDs. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: integer array
The 1-64 color of the entity.
Type: integer
The RGB color of the entity.
Type: string
The configuration of the entity.
1 - Prototype
2 - Occurrence
Type: unsigned integer
The list of conflict IDs as internal IDs, with reserve range. If row=<entity_type> is specified, this will be for the specific entity type in the module. If column=<idpool_number> is specified, row=<entity_type> must also be specified, and this will be for the specific entity type and ID pool. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: integer array
The list of conflict IDs with reserve range. If row=<entity_type> is specified, this will be for the specific entity type in the module. If column=<idpool_number> is specified, row=<entity_type> must also be specified, and this will be for the specific entity type and ID pool. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: string
List of ID manager correction options. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: string
The tag that defines the creator/use case of the module. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: string
The current ID manager correction option.
Type: string
The current ID manager new ID option.
Type: string
The current ID manager status. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: string
True if the entity is defined, false otherwise.
Type: Boolean
List of entity types existing in the module. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: string array
The show (true)/hide (false) state of excluded entity types in the ID manager. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: Boolean
The type of exclusive ID ranges. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: integer
True or false if there are any conflict IDs. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
True or false if there is a hide state on the submodel or excluded entities. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
True or false if there are any locked IDs. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
True or false if there are any offset IDs. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
True or false if there are any overflow IDs. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
True or false if there are any reserved IDs. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
List of component IDs owned by the module.
Type: unsigned integer
The component ID offset assigned to a sibling part instance.
Type: unsigned integer
List of material names assigned to components or properties of the module.
Type: string
List of material IDs assigned to components or properties of the module.
Type: unsigned integer
List of property IDs assigned to components of the module.
Type: unsigned integer
List of property thicknesses assigned to components of the module.
Type: double
The ID of the entity.
Type: unsigned integer
The list of internal IDs. If row=<entity_type> is specified, this will return only the specific entity type in the model. If column=<idpool_number> is specified, row=<entity_type> must also be specified, and this will return the specific entity type and ID pool. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: unsigned integer
The ID manager status. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: string array
List of ID manager overflow options. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: string array
The ID of the include file the entity is organized in.
Type: entity
The ID of the include file the entity is organized in.
Type: unsigned integer
The ID of the instance of the module.
Type: integer
The ID of the entity.
Type: unsigned integer
0 - Has a default position.
1 - Has a non-default position
Type: Boolean
0 - Is not the root of the hierarchy
1 - Is the root of the hierarchy
Type: Boolean
If the prototype is stored in the Part Library, this is the library revision, prototype UDM ID, major revision and study revision. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: string
If prototype UDM ID stored in the current Part Library. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: string
The list of locked IDs. row=<entity_type> must be specified. If column=<idpool_number> is specified, this will be for the specific entity type and ID pool. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: integer array
To set locked entity solver IDs when importing from CSV.
The prototype major revision as PDM metadata.
Type: string
The max of the ID range. If row=<entity_type> is specified, this will be for the specific entity type in the module. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: integer
The maximum ID occupied. If row=<entity_type> is specified, this will be for the specific entity type in the module. If column=<idpool_number> is specified, row=<entity_type> must also be specified, and this will be for the specific entity type and ID pool. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: integer
The min of the ID range. If row=<entity_type> is specified, this will be for the specific entity type in the module. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: integer
The minimum ID occupied. If row=<entity_type> is specified, this will be for the specific entity type in the module. If column=<idpool_number> is specified, row=<entity_type> must also be specified, and this will be for the specific entity type and ID pool. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: integer
The module ID of the entity.
Type: integer
module_triple_dxyz1, module_triple_dxyz2, module_triple_dxyz3, module_triple_xyz0
These are all triples, corresponding to the 4 rows of the transformation matrix for the module. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: triple double
The name of the entity.
Type: string
List of ID manager new ID options. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: string array
The number of recursive children of the module. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: integer
The number of conflict IDs. If row=<entity_type> is specified, this will be for the specific entity type in the module. If column=<idpool_number> is specified, row=<entity_type> must also be specified, and this will be for the specific entity type and ID pool. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: integer
The number of entities in the module. If row=<entity_type> is specified, this will be for the specific entity type in the module. If column=<idpool_number> is specified, row=<entity_type> must also be specified, and this will be for the specific entity type and ID pool. Valid for hm_getvalue query only. Type: integer
The number of locked IDs for an entity type in an module. row=<entity_type> must be specified. If column=<idpool_number> is specified, this will be for the specific entity type and ID pool. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: integer
The number of overflow IDs. If row=<entity_type> is specified, this will be for the specific entity type in the module. If column=<idpool_number> is specified, row=<entity_type> must also be specified, and this will be for the specific entity type and ID pool. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: integer
The number of reserved IDs. row=<entity_type> must be specified. If column=<idpool_number> is specified, this will be for the specific entity type and ID pool. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: integer
The offset. row=<entity_type> must be specified. If column=<idpool_number> is specified, this will be for the specific entity type and ID pool. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: integer
Returns non-zero if the entity is set "do not export", 0 otherwise.
Type: integer
The list of overflow IDs (integer array). If row=<entity_type> is specified, this will be for the specific entity type in the module. If column=<idpool_number> is specified, row=<entity_type> must also be specified, and this will be for the specific entity type and ID pool. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: integer array
The parent of the module. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: integer
The parent of the module. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: integer
List of IDs as PDM metadata.
Type: integer
List of material names as PDM metadata.
Type: string
List of mesh flags as PDM metadata.
Type: string
List of material IDs as PDM metadata.
Type: integer
List of part numbers as PDM metadata.
Type: string
List of property IDs as PDM metadata.
Generally formatted as a list of 4 values: <Property ID>, ?<Instance Increment>?, ?<Component Increment>?, ?<Component Offset>?
Type: integer
List of revisions as PDM metadata.
Type: integer
List of property thicknesses as PDM metadata.
Type: double
The pool number of the entity.
Type: integer
The pool name of the entity.
Type: string
The ID of the prototype module if the specified module is an occurrence
If a prototype, this is just its own ID.Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: integer
The number of instances created for the prototype. If an occurrence, returns 0.
Type: integer
The ID range offset.
Type: integer
Release the list of reserved IDs. row=<entity_type> must be specified. If column=<idpool_number> is specified, this will be for the specific entity type and ID pool. Type: integer array
The list of release reserved IDs. row=<entity_type> must be specified. If column=<idpool_number> is specified, this will be for the specific entity type and ID pool. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: integer array
The comment on the representation.
Type: string
The full path and file name of an occurrence. Returns empty for prototypes and occurrences without a file.
Type: string
The name of the representation as shown in the Part Browser "Representation" column. Valid for hm_getvalue only.
Type: string
The type of occurrence. Returns N/A for prototypes and occurrences without a type.
Type: string
The list of reserved IDs. row=<entity_type> must be specified. If column=<idpool_number> is specified, this will be for the specific entity type and ID pool. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: integer array
The ID manager reserve ID option.
Type: string
The number of entities in the module. If row=<entity_type> is specified, this will be for the specific entity type in the module. If column=<idpool_number> is specified, row=<entity_type> must also be specified, and this will be for the specific entity type and ID pool. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: integer
The max of the reserve range. row=<entity_type> should be specified, this will be for the specific entity type in the module.
Type: integer
The min of the reserve range. row=<entity_type> should be specified, this will be for the specific entity type in the module.
Type: integer
The show/hide state on the submodel or excluded entities.
The solver ID of the entity.
Type: integer
The name of the solver keyword.
Type: string
The structural type of the module (part or assembly).
Type: string
The prototype study revision as PDM metadata.
Type: string
The list of types and pool numbers which are supported by ID Manager. The return format is {-1 1 -2 3 …} where a negative number is the entity type while a positive number is the ID pool number. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: integer array
The ID of the transformation entity.
Type: entity
The transformation matrix of the entity.
Only valid for occurrences, returns empty for prototypes.
Type: string
The list of types and pool numbers which are listed in the ID Manager. The return format is {-1 1 -2 3 …} where a negative number is the entity type while a positive number is the ID pool number. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: integer array
The list of types and pool numbers which have reserved IDs. The return format is {-1 1 -2 3 …} where a negative number is the entity type while a positive number is the ID pool number. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: integer array
The types of exclusive ID ranges. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: integer array
The types of individual ID ranges. VValid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: integer array
The list of reserved ID entity types. If row=<entity_type> is specified, this will be for the specific entity type in the module. If column=<idpool_number> is specified, row=<entity_type> must also be specified, and this will be for the specific entity type and ID pool. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: integer array
The ID of the entity in UDM.
Type: string
The unique ID of the entity.
Type: string
The list of types and pool numbers which do not have an ID range defined. The return format is {-1 1 -2 3 …} where a negative number is the entity type while a positive number is the ID pool number. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
Type: integer array
If non-empty, implies that the part is used as a variant in one or multiple part configurations.
Type: string
Along with variant_condition, this is used to describe which part configurations the part belongs to as a variant.
Type: string

Version History

2017.1 - Added new data name rep_name.

2017.2 - Added new data names variant_condition and variant_scope.

2019 - Added new data names idlist, is_positioned, structural_type, supportedtypesandpools, typesandpools, typesandpoolswithreservedids and unsettypesandpools.

2020 - Added new data names color_rgb, HW_CID_OFFSET, instance_id and transformation_id.

2020.1 - Added new data names excludeshowhidestate and solverkeyword.

2021.1 - Added new data names rep_comment, moduleid, poolid, poolname, and solver_id.