Unless otherwise specified, data names are accessible in level 3 only.
- engineering_type
- The engineering type of load. Engineering loads act on set entities. Valid values are:
The following data names are available for both classic and engineering loads:
- attributesmax
- The number of attributes owned by this entity.
- collector
- Pointer to the collector that owns the load.
- config
- The configuration of the entity.
- definedentity
- True if the entity is defined, false otherwise.
- dofstring
- The DOF information in string form. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- entityid
- The ID of the entity the load is attached to.
- entitytype
- The type of the entity to which the load is applied.
- entitytypename
- The string type of the entity to which the load is applied.
- id
- The ID of the entity.
- include
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in.
- includeid
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in.
- internalid
- The ID of the entity.
- set
- Pointer to the set when the load is applied to a set.
- moduleid
- The module ID of the entity.
- poolid
- The pool number of the entity.
- poolname
- The pool name of the entity.
- solver_id
- The solver ID of the entity.
- solverkeyword
- The name of the solver keyword.
- type
- The solver dependent type code for the entity.
- typename
- The solver dependent type name for the entity.
The following data names are available for classic loads:
- baselocation
- The coordinates where the load on a component or set should display. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- baselocationx
- The x-coordinate where the load on a component or set should display.
- baselocationy
- The y-coordinate where the load on a component or set should display.
- baselocationz
- The z-coordinate where the load on a component or set should display.
- comp1
- The value in DOF1 or -999999.0 for none.
- comp2
- The value in DOF2 or -999999.0 for none.
- comp3
- The value in DOF3 or -999999.0 for none.
- comp4
- The value in DOF4 or -999999.0 for none.
- comp5
- The value in DOF5 or -999999.0 for none.
- comp6
- The value in DOF6 or -999999.0 for none.
- component
- Pointer to the component when the load is applied to a component.
- curveid
- The ID of the curve defining the load magnitude when a curve has been used to define the load.
- equalmagnitude
- Returns 1 if all six DOFs are equal, 0 otherwise.
- inputsystem
- Pointer to the reference system.
- location
- The ID of the node where the load is applied. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- mappedid
- The ID of the original load on geometry.
- node
- Pointer to the node when the load is applied to a node.
- spc
- 1 if at least ond of the six DOF is constrained, 0 otherwise. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- xscale
- The x scale or time scale of the load curve when a curve has been used to define the load.
The following data names are available for engineering loads:
- distribution_table_count
- The number of rows of a non-uniform engineering load.
- field
- The field entity that stores the tabular load data.
- location_unit_node
- The nodes for which the data is stored in the table for a non-uniform engineering load.
The following data names are available for ADVC engineering loads:
- comp1
- The ForcedDisplacement/ForcedVelocity value in the x-direction.
- comp2
- The ForcedDisplacement/ForcedVelocity value in the y-direction.
- comp3
- The ForcedDisplacement/ForcedVelocity value in the z-direction.
- comp4
- The ForcedDisplacement/ForcedVelocity value about the x-direction.
- comp5
- The ForcedDisplacement/ForcedVelocity value about the y-direction.
- comp6
- The ForcedDisplacement/ForcedVelocity value about the z-direction.
- distribution
- The distribution type:
- dof1
- The translation in x:
- dof2
- The translation in y:
- dof3
- The translation in z:
- dof4
- The rotation in x:
- dof5
- The rotation in y:
- dof6
- The rotation in z:
- expanded_form_flag
- Flag to export loads on nodes.
- load_step_id
- The ID of the referred loadstep.
- prev_bc
- Flag to hold previously applied boundary conditions.
The following data names are available for LS-DYNA engineering loads:
- activation_time
- The activation time for constraint (default 0.0).
- ang_vel_center
- The rotational axis vector.
- curveid
- The curve ID or function ID.
- deactivation_time
- The deactivation time for constraint (default 1020).
- displayname
- The description of the loading.
- dof1
- The translation in x:
- dof2
- 0 = Free DOF
- dof3
- The translation in z:
- dof4
- The rotation in x:
- dof5
- The rotation in y:
- dof6
- The rotation in z:
- inputsystem
- The coordinate system ID (default 1020).
- keyword_name
- Flag that activates ID option.
- load_boundary_nodes
- The node set ID for second boundary for BOUNDARY_CYCLIC (type=6).
- load_dof
- magnitude
- The load curve scale factor (default 1.0).
- motion_rigid_local_option
- Flag that activates the LOCAL option.
- motion_type
- Velocity/Acceleration/Displacement flag.
- motion_vec_dir
- The vector ID for BOUNDARY_PRESCRIBED_MOTION (type=2) for load_dof values 4 and 8.
- nodal_rigid_body
- The element ID of the constrained nodal rigid body.
- plane_axis_coord1
- The offset for BOUNDARY_PRESCRIBED_MOTION (type=2) for load_dof types 9 - 11 (y, z, x direction) (default 0.0).
- plane_axis_coord2
- The offset for BOUNDARY_PRESCRIBED_MOTION (type=1) for load_dof types 9 - 11 (z, x, y direction) (default 0.0).
- plane_node3
- Orientation node 2 ID for BOUNDARY_PRESCRIBED_MOTION (type=2) for relative displacement.
- rel_disp_ref_body
- The part ID of the main rigid body.
- rigidbody_option
- Flag that enables nodal rigid body selection.
- rigid_part
- The part ID of the rigid body.
- sort_nodes
- Flag to set automatic sorting of nodes in node sets for BOUNDARY_CYCLIC (type=6).
- symmetry_repetition_dir
- Flag for repeating symmetry:
- time_activate_option
- Flag that activates the BIRTH_DEATH option.
The following data names are available for Nastran engineering loads:
- nas_sname
- The set name. SNAME may refer to any of the set names given in degree-of-freedom sets, or their new names on the DEFUSET entry.
The following data names are available for Nastran and OptiStruct engineering loads:
- comp1
- The value of enforced motion for components Gi at grid Ci.
- comp2
- The value of enforced motion for components Gi at grid Ci.
- comp3
- The value of enforced motion for components Gi at grid Ci.
- comp4
- The value of enforced motion for components Gi at grid Ci.
- comp5
- The value of enforced motion for components Gi at grid Ci.
- comp6
- The value of enforced motion for components Gi at grid Ci.
- constraint_dof_flag
- The constraint type.
- constraint_flag
- 0 - Translational DOFs (dof1, dof2, dof3)
- distribution
- The distribution type:
- dof1
- The translation in x:
- dof2
- The translation in y:
- dof3
- The translation in z:
- dof4
- The rotation in x:
- dof5
- The rotation in y:
- dof6
- The rotation in z:
- magnitude
- In OptiStruct and Nastran, it is the initial displacement or initial velocit in the TIC card, or the area scale factor in the DAREA card.
- os_d0
- The initial displacement if motion is acceleration or velocity, ignored otherwise. Additionally, it also represents the time delay for point Pi and component Ci of the DELAY card with DAREA.
- os_delay_flag
- Enables the time delay term in the dynamic loading fucntion.
- os_dphase_flag
- Enables the phase lead term in the dynamic loading fucntion.
- os_enforced_deform
- The value of the enforced motion for weighted constraints (for example, SPC, SPCD).
- os_spc_f_flag
- If enabled, retain the deformed boundary.
- os_v0
- The initial velocity if motion is acceleration, ignored otherwise. Additionally, it also represents the phase lead in degrees of the DPHASE card with DAREA.
The following data names are available for OptiStruct engineering loads:
- curveid
- The ID of the MBCRV entries giving motion versus time.
- expanded_form_flag
- Flag to export loads on nodes.
- os_eid
- The ID of the MBVAR for the independent variable expression.
- os_g2
- The grid point ID to define relative motion.
- os_intrp_type
- The interpolation type. Valid values are AKIMA (default), CUBIC or LINEAR.
- os_sname
- The set name. If not equal to U6 or ZEROU6, USET will be ignored. If set to ZEROU6, the degrees-of-freedom are omitted from the set.
The following data names are available for Radioss engineering loads:
- curveid
- The ID of the curve defining the time function identifier.
- displayname
- The text for the title entry.
- distribution
- The spring specification in the IMPDISP_FGEO card:
- dof1
- The translation in x:
- dof2
- The translation in y:
- dof3
- The translation in z:
- dof4
- The rotation in x:
- dof5
- The rotation in y:
- dof6
- The rotation in z:
- inputsystem
- The skew or frame system.
- magnitude
- The ordinate (displacement) scale factor for fct_IDT.
- rad_dir
- The direction X, Y or Z in traslation or XX, YY or ZZ in rotation.
- rad_icoor
- The coordinate system usage type:
- rad_node_pos
- The coordinates of the position node
- rad_sensor_id
- The ID of the sensor entity.
- rad_sphbcs_ilev
- The formulation level:
- rad_sphbcs_type
- The symmetry condition type:
- rad_spring_part
- The ID of the spring part.
- rad_system_input_type
- The ID of the reference frame. Must be fixed.
- rad_tstart
- The start time.
- rad_tstop
- The stop time (default 10^30).
- xscale
- The abcissa (time) scale factor for fct_IDT.
Version History
2020 - New support for engineering loads. Added new data names constraint_flag, constraint_dof_flag, displayname, distribution, dof1, dof2, dof3, dof4, dof5, dof6, displayname, distribution, engineering_type, expanded_form_flag, location, nas_sname, os_d0, os_delay_flag, os_dphase_flag, os_eid, os_enforced_deform, os_g2, os_intrp_type, os_sname, os_spc_f_flag, os_v0, rad_dir, rad_icoor, rad_node_pos, rad_sensor_id, rad_sphbcs_ilev, rad_sphbcs_type, rad_spring_part, rad_system_input_type, rad_tstart, rad_tstop and spc.
2020.1 - Added new data name solverkeyword.
2021 - Added new data names load_step_id and prev_bc. New ADVC support.
2021.1 – Added new data names for LS-DYNA engineering loads: activation_time, ang_vel_center, curveid, deactivation_time, displayname, dof1, dof2, dof3, dof4, dof5, dof6, inputsystem, keyword_name, load_boundary_nodes, load_dof, magnitude, motion_rigid_local_option, motion_type, motion_vec_dir, nodal_rigid_body, plane_axis_coord1, plane_axis_coord2, plane_node2, plane_node3, rel_disp_ref_body, rigid_part, rigidbody_option, sort_nodes, symmetry_repetition_dir, and time_activate_option. Removed data name for Radioss: constraint_flag.
2021.1 - Added new data names moduleid, poolid, poolname, and solver_id.