Unless otherwise specified, data names are accessible in level 3 only.
- attributesmax
- The number of attributes owned by this entity.
- beamsect_nonstandard
- The string name of the beamsection type, or blank if not defined.
- collector
- Pointer to the collector that owns the element.
- config
- The configuration of the entity.
- Fillcolor
- The color the beam section uses for display of solid regions.
- Flags
- The optimization flag.
- id
- The ID of the entity.
- include
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in.
- includeid
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in.
- internalid
- The ID of the entity.
- Linecolor
- The color the beam section uses for display of lines.
- moduleid
- The module ID of the entity.
- name
- The name of the entity.
- OrientationOrigin0
- The y component of the beam section origin.
- OrientationOrigin1
- The z component of the beam section origin.
- OrientationVector0
- The y component of the beam section orientation vector.
- OrientationVector1
- The z component of the beam section orientation vector.
- poolid
- The pool number of the entity.
- poolname
- The pool name of the entity.
- setid
- The ID of the beam section collector owning the entity.
- shell_EquationCount
- The number of optimization constraint equations linking the variables and vertices in the beam section.
- shell_Equations
- Pointer to the array of equations.
- shell_IsOptimization
- 1 if optimization is enabled, 0 otherwise.
- shell_PartCount
- The number of separate (welded) parts.
- shell_Parts
- Pointer to the array of parts in the beam section.
- shell_VariableCount
- The number of optimization design variables in the beamsect.
- shell_VertexCount
- The number of vertices (nodes) in the beamsect.
- shell_VertexYInitials
- The initial y coordinates of the vertices.
- shell_VertexZInitials
- The initial z coordinates of the vertices.
- solver_id
- The solver ID of the entity.
- solverkeyword
- The name of the solver keyword.
- TorsionFactor
- The torsion factor of the beam section.
- WarpingFactor
- The warping factor of the beam section.
- part_FinalFlangeLength
- The number of vertices in the final flange.
- part_InitialFlangeLength
- The number of vertices in the initial flange.
- part_Name
- The name of the part.
- part_NonFlangeLength
- The number of vertices in the interior section.
- part_Thickness
- The initial thickness of the part.
- part_ThicknessMaximum
- The maximum allowed thickness of the part.
- part_ThicknessMinimum
- The minimum allowed thickness of the part.
- part_VertCount
- The total number of vertices in the part.
- part_Vertices
- Pointer to the array of vertex indices forming the part. They are indices into the shell_Vertex arrays.
The shell section vertices take two forms, depending on whether or not the section is tagged as an "optimization section." If optimization is enabled, the following data names are available.
- shell_VertexYMaxima
- Pointer to the maximum y coordinates allowed for the vertices.
- shell_VertexYMinima
- Pointer to the minimum y coordinates allowed for the vertices.
- shell_VertexZMaxima
- Pointer to the maximum z coordinates allowed for the vertices.
- shell_VertexZMinima
- Pointer to the minimum z coordinates allowed for the vertices.
- shell_VariableInitials
- Pointer to the current values of the variables.
- shell_VariableMaxima
- Pointer to the maximum values of the variables.
- shell_VariableMinima
- Pointer to the minimum values of the variables.
- shell_VariableNames
- Pointer to the names of the variables.
- equation_DependentVertex
- The index of the dependent vertex.
- equation_IndependentCount
- The number of independent vertices in the equation.
- equation_IndependentVertices
- Pointer to the array of vertex indices used in the equation.
- equation_UnparsedEquation
- The actual raw text form of the equation.
- equation_VariableCount
- The number of design variables in the equation.
- equation_Variables
- Pointer to the array of design variables used in the equation.
Version History
2020.1 - Added new data name solverkeyword.
2021.1 - Added new data names moduleid, poolid, poolname, and solver_id.