RD-T: 3060 Three Point Bending
This tutorial demonstrates how to set up 3-point bending model with symmetric boundary conditions in Y direction.

Figure 1.
- UNITS: Length (mm), Time (s), Mass (ton), Force (N) and Stress (MPa)
- Simulation time: in Engine file [0 - 6.601e-002 s]
- Only one half of the model is modeled because it is symmetric.
- The supports are totally fixed. An imposed velocity of 1000 mm/s is applied on the Impactor in the (-Z) direction
- Model size = 370mm x 46.5mm x 159mm
- Honeycomb Material /MAT/LAW28: HONEYCOMB
[Rho_I] Initial density = 3.0e-10ton/mm3
[E11], [E22] and [E33] Young's modulus (Eij) = 200 MPa
[G11], [G22] and [G33] Shear modulus (Gij) = 150 MPa
- Elasto-Plastic Material /MAT/LAW36: Inner, Outer and
[Rho_I] Initial density = 7.85-9ton/mm3
[E] Young's modulus = 210000 MPa
[nu] Poisson's ratio = 0.29
- Strain Curve:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 STRAIN 0 0.012002 0.014003 0.018003 0.022002 0.026003 0.030006 0.032 0.033005 0.033523 STRESS 325 335.968 343783 349.245 358.649 372.309 383.925 388.109 389.292 389.506 - Elastic Material /MAT/PLAS_JOHNS: Impactor
[Rho_I] Initial density = 8e-9ton/mm3
[E] Young's modulus = 208000 MPa
[nu] Poisson's ratio = 0.29
Load the Radioss User Profile
- Launch HyperMesh Desktop.
From the Preferences menu, select User Profiles or click
icon in toolbar.
- Select Radioss (Radioss2021) and click OK.
Retrieve the Model File
Click File
Solver Deck or click
Click the Select File icon
to open the BENDING_0000.rad file you saved to your working directory from the radioss.zip file.
- Click Import.
- Click Close to close the window.