I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry The FLSPOUT command can be used in the I/O Options section to control output of modal participation factors for coupled fluid-structure models.


FLSPOUT(argument = option, argument = option, ...)


Argument Options Description
FLUIDMP <ALL, NONE> Requests fluid participation calculation of fluid response on selected fluid points.
Requests that all the fluid modes extracted be used.
NONE (Default)
Requests no participation calculation.

No default

Requests inclusion or exclusion of specific fluid grids to be used in all the requested types of participation calculations.
Set identification number - Results are output only for fluid grids listed in the selected set.
FEPS <Real>

Default = 1.0e-11

Filter Threshold for fluid participation.
ARF <Real>

Default = 1.0e-11

Acceptance ratio for fluid participation.
STRUCTMP <ALL, NONE> Requests structural, load, and panel participation calculations on the selected fluid points.
Requests that all the structural modes extracted be used.
NONE (Default)
Requests no participation calculation.
PANELMP <ALL> Requests inclusion or exclusion of panel participation calculations on the selected fluid points.
ALL (Default)
Requests that all the panels defined be included in the participation calculations on the selected fluid points.
SEPS <Real>

Default = 1.0e-11

Filter Threshold for structural participation.
ARS <Real>

Default = 1.0e-11

Acceptance ratio for structural participation.
PSORT <ABSOLUTE> Requests type of sort.
ABSOLUTE (Default)


  1. GRIDFMP is required for all FLSPOUT statements.
  2. FLUIDMP and STRUCTMP are required when PANELMP is defined.
  3. The output file name for modal participation is *.modal.