
Return the initial condition nodal coordinates for the nodal initial condition.


crd = udfGetNicRefCrd( udfHd ) ;


AcuSolve User-Defined Name Initial Condition


The opaque handle (pointer) which was passed to the user function.

Return Value

crd (Real*)
Pointer to two dimensional real array of nodal coordinates. The first (fastest) dimension of the array is the number of nodes, nItems, and the second (slowest) dimension is three for the x, y and z coordinates.


This routine returns the initial condition nodal coordinates. If mesh displacement is active, the returned coordinates include the initial conditions for the mesh displacement; that is, the initial deformed configuration. For example,
Real* crd ;
Real x, y, z ;
Integer node ;
crd = udfGetNicRefCrd( udfHd ) ;
for ( node = 0 ; node < nItems ; node++ ) {
 x = crd[0*nItems+node] ;
 y = crd[1*nItems+node] ;
 z = crd[2*nItems+node] ;


  • This routine expects a valid udfHd.
  • This routine may only be called within a Nodal Initial Condition user function.