TeimOrbit 2D Road Type: drum
Name of Input Variable | Unit | Meaning |
diameter | length | Diameter of the tire test drum. COSIN/road assumes outer drum, if the diameter < 0. |
x_coord_drum_center | length | x coordinate of drum center in global coordinates, used for all
wheels. Remark: Be sure to place the drum near the rim center, and keep the wheel's translational speed small enough not to leave the drum's zenith. |
y_coord_drum_center | length | y coordinate of drum center in global coordinates, used for all wheels. |
x_coord_drum_center_wheel_i (i = 1,2,3,..,25) | length | x coordinate of drum center in global coordinates, used only for wheel i (i = 1,2,3,..,25). |
y_coord_drum_center_wheel_i (i = 1,2,3,..,25) | length | y coordinate of drum center in global coordinates, used only for wheel i (i = 1,2,3,..,25). |
number_cleats | - | Number of extra cleats on drum (number_cleats = 0 allowed). |
cleat_starting_angle | angle | Drum angle coordinate of 1st cleat, used for all wheels. |
cleat_starting_angle_wheel_i (i = 1,2,3,..,25) | angle | Drum angle coordinate of 1st cleat, used only for wheel i (i = 1,2,3,..,25). |
cleat_direction | angle | Direction of cleat relative to drum spin axis. Direction is zero if cleat is
oriented exactly in transversal direction. Direction angle is measured
counter-clockwise if looking from above onto the drum surface. Default value is 0 (transversal cleat). |
curved_cleat_surface | - |
Default value is 0 (flat). |
flat_cleat_support | - |
Default value is 0 (non-flat cleat support). This parameter is only used and relevant if curved_cleat_surface = 0. |
mu_factor_cleat | - | Friction modification factor on cleats. |
stopper_distance | length | Distance between front and read stopper of drum opening. Default value is 75% of drum diameter. |
The drum speed is defined by one of the following alternatives:
v | length/time | Constant rotation speed of drum surface |
acceleration_time | time | Time span at beginning of dynamic simulation, to accelerate drum from
stand-still to nominal velocity. Default value is 0. |
data sub-section (TV_DATA) | Arbitrarily many lines with 2 values of type: time, length/time | Data pairs defining speed-vs.-time data of the drum’s time-dependent surface speed profile. t-values (first value in each line) should be in ascending order. |
The exact geometry of the cleat is defined by one of the following three alternatives:
cleat_height | length | Height of cleats. |
cleat_length | length | Length of cleat, measured in circumferential direction of drum. |
cleat_bevel_edge_length | length | Length of bevel edge of cleat, measured in circumferential direction of drum. Bevel edge has 45 degree slope. |
cleat_edge_rounded |
data sub-section (XZ_DATA) | Arbitrarily many lines with data of type: 2 x length | Data pairs defining x and z data of the cross section of the cleat. No rounding of edges is assumed. x values should be in ascending order. First and last y value should be zero. |
data sub-section (XZR_DATA) | Arbitrarily many lines with data of type: 3 x length | Data triples defining x and z data of the cross section of the cleat, together with rounding radii in these data points. Rounding radii may be zero. x values should be in ascending order. First and last y value should be zero. |
data sub-section (stopper_geometry) | Arbitrarily many lines with data of type: 2 x length | Data pairs defining x and z data of the stoppers. x values must be non-negative and ascending: x = 0 refers to the start in longitudinal direction of the stopper. |