HTC Thermal Analysis Mapping Example

This task is an example of thermal analysis mapping using heat transfer coefficients and bulk temperatures. This mapping option is available for the OptiStruct profile. CSV files or result logs from AcuSolve can also be used as a source.

Data in a .csv file can be based on a local coordinate system. The format of the .csv file is x, y, z, value1, value2, and so forth. The x, y, z data can be in a global or local system , including cylindrical.
図 1.
  1. In the Model Browser, right-click and select Create > Field from the menu.
  2. In the Entity Editor, edit the field's corresponding attributes.
  3. In the Model Browser, right-click on the field entity and select Realize from the menu.
  4. In the Field Realization dialog, define the realization settings:
    1. Select the target mesh in the Entity field.
    2. From the Field type drop-down menu, select convection.
    3. From the Interpolation drop-down menu, select the appropriate interpolation method.
    4. Set the Normal distance and Tolerance values as appropriate.
    5. Select the sub-case and simulation from which the heat transfer coefficients and bulk temperatures are to be mapped.
  5. When you are ready, click Apply.
    Data is mapped to the selected structural mesh. The following solver entries are created for the OptiStruct profile:
    Group - PCONV
    Heat transfer coefficient calculated during the mapping process, stored in card: attribute:H1.
    Surface elements over target or base elements.
    PCONV ID and arbitrary node number (TA1) created for bulk temperature.
    An arbitrary node is created and the SPC (without any DOF) is attached to this node. Used to store the bulk temperature calculated during the mapping process.