3D to 2D/3D Element Mapping

3D linear or quadratic source element data can be mapped to 2D/3D target elements. 3D source elements can have loads or results which can be mapped.

In this task you will map 3D elements to other 2D/3D elements.
  1. Import or open a 3D/2D target model.

    You can import a 3D model from solver files (current model), or results files containing temperatures, pressures, or other loads. When importing, use ID offset in order to preserve the new model's IDs.

  2. Create and define a field entity.
    1. In the Model Browser, right-click and select Create > Field from the menu.
    2. In the Entity Editor, define the current model using loads or results.

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  3. Delete the source model.
  4. Realize the field:
    1. In the Model Browser, right-click and select Realize from the menu.
    2. In the Field Realization dialog, define the realization settings.

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    3. Click Apply.
  5. Click Contour to contour the target elements of a mapped temperature load from another 3D source model.

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