
Position entities allow you to apply a Transformation sequence on set of nodes or SolverSubmodels.

Abaqus Cards

Card Description
*NMAP Maps nodes from one coordinate system to another, and rotates, translates, or scales the nodal coordinates.
注: A *NMAP keyword is generated for each Transformation listed in the given Position entity.


In the Radioss solver profile, there is no solver keywords mapped in Position entity. The Position entity is used to manage the Transformations applied on a set of nodes or a Submodel. Position and Transformations are managed in the Position/Transformation Tool.


In the LS-DYNA solver profile, the position entity contains the list of transformations and the support applied: a SET in case of *NODE_TRANSFORM or a SolverSubmodel in case of an *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM.
Supported Card Solver Description Supported Parameters Notes
*DEFINE_TRANSFORM + *NODE_TRANSFORM Transforms a SET of nodes based on the list of transformations defined in the Position. Entities (Node set containing the nodes to be transformed)



On export process, both cards *DEFINE_TRANSFORM and *NODE_TRANSFORM are exported together.
*DEFINE_TRANSFORM When Position is applied on a SolverSubmodel (INCLUDE_TRANSFORM), the whole content will be transformed based on the list of transformations defined in the Position. Entities (SolverSubmodel)



Multiple SolverSubmodels can be selected in a same Position entity.


In the PAM-CRASH solver profile, the position entity contains the list of transformations, and the support on which those are applied: a SET in case of TRSFM or Components in case of EXPORT and IMPORT. Position entity also contains IMPFIL, PICEXP and PICIMP keywords without transformations.

Supported Card Solver Description Supported Parameters Notes
TRSFM / Transforms a SET of nodes or elements based on the list of transformations defined in the Position. Entities (Node or element set to be transformed)


On export process, set entities dissolved and written within card TRSFM along with transformation sub keywords MOV, ROTA, SCAL, NPOS.
EXPORT/ Generates a ‘mapping’ result file after simulation and optional reflections and geometric transformation may be applied to the structure prior to export. VARS, VARV, PART with optional TRANSFORMATION On export process, EXPORT keyword with optional TRANSFORMATION are exported together.
IMPORT/ Reads mapping files (‘image part’) and maps results onto a subset of the simulation model (‘target part’). An optional geometric transformation may be applied to the image part before mapping. VARS, VARV, PART with optional TRANSFORMATION On export process, IMPORT keyword with optional TRANSFORMATION are exported together.
IMPFIL/ Import file cards with mapping file name and path. FNAME and PATH On export process, IMPFIL keyword maintains reference of mapping file name.
PICEXP/ Generates a dedicated ‘picking’ export file with the _CATCSM.erfh5 extension at the end of the simulation run. NAME, WRITE, optional EXPORT_POINT, EXPORT_LIMIT and EXPORT_CONTROL On export process, PICEXP/ keyword with WRITE specifies picking file name.
PICIMP/ Imports the _CATCSM.erfh5 file data to re-use them in a new simulation run. NAME, READ, optional SOURCE_CONTROL, SOURCE_MODULE, SOURCE_SHIFT_IDELE and SOURCE_SHIFT_IDNOD On export process, PICIMP/ keyword with READ maintains reference of picking file name.