3D Image Planes

The 3D Image Plane tool is primarily used for positioning static images and videos in the model space.

A 3D image plane embeds the media in the model space so that when the model view is rotated or panned, the related media will also change correspondingly. This is particularly useful for correlating simulation with multiple videos or static images that are captured with various views, as in correlating a crash test video or a drop test captured from different angles. Each of the views can be positioned with respect to the model in 3D space such that the view of the model is tied to an image plane for best correlation. The 3D image planes that are embedded in model space can be incrementally adjusted to match the model dimensions. In addition to using the 2 Point and 3 Point alignment modes for scaling the image planes to the model size, the image planes now allow minor adjustments to the rectangular plane by the sizing manipulators available on the periphery. This helps in making small size adjustments without necessarily going through picking alignment and scaling points again. Small changes to plane orientations can of course be adjusted by the tripod manipulator attached to the image planes.

Also, once the scaling and view alignment of the 3D image plane is accomplished, the plane can be moved in or out of the model to match with any section cut views. As the 3D image plane is scaled in the model space, the measurements applied on the model are valid for the media as well, and are thus no longer dependent on the accuracy of picking points based on the pixel resolution. This provides a close to accurate measurement in film analysis tasks. With appropriate image processing filters, a good correlation (or the lack thereof) can be determined easily with 3D planes. In addition, an image plane can be tied to a model, so that any tracking system based deformations are considered on the media as well. The tracking mode is extended to reference points on the video as well, so that the image plane's relative position to the model is maintained. See the Model tab section for additional details.