mdlIObject BeginReferenceFastGet

Obtains the list of objects that reference 'the selected' object.


mdlIObject_handle BeginReferenceFastGet


MotionView Tcl Query


This command obtains the list of the objects that refer/use the object whose handle is grabbed. For example, suppose that you have a point p_0 and its x coordinate has a value of 10,and you also have two other points p_1 and p_2; you have assigned p_1.x as expression "p_0.x" (that is p_1.x will be assigned the value contained in p_0.x). Similarly, assume you have p_2.y and it has expression "p_0.x"; here p_0.x is the reference object.


To obtain the list of objects which refer and use a particular object/data member:
hwi OpenStack
hwi GetSessionHandle mySessionName 
mySessionName GetProjectHandle myProjectName 
set activePageNum [myProjectName GetActivePage]
myProjectName GetPageHandle myPageName $activePageNum
set activeWinNum [myPageName GetActiveWindow]
myPageName GetWindowHandle myWindowName $activeWinNum
myWindowName GetClientHandle myClientName 
myClientName GetModelHandle myModelName 

myModelName InterpretEntity po0 Point p_0 "\" Point 0\"";
myModelName InterpretSet SetPoint p_0 10.0 0.0 0.0;
myModelName InterpretEntity bo0 Body b_0 "\"Body 0\"" p_0;
myModelName GetChildHandle p0 p_0
p0 BeginReferenceFastGet
set nc [p0 GetNumberOfChildren]
for {set i 1} {$i<=$nc} {incr i} {
p0 GetChildHandleByIdx chan_$i $i
 set tempvar [chan_$i GetFullVarname];
 tk_messageBox -message "Varname of $i Child is $tempvar";
 chan_$i ReleaseHandle;  
p0 EndChildFastGet
p0 ReleaseHandle
po0 ReleaseHandle;
bo0 ReleaseHandle;
myModelName ReleaseHandle
myClientName ReleaseHandle
myWindowName ReleaseHandle
myPageName ReleaseHandle
myProjectName ReleaseHandle
mySessionName ReleaseHandle
hwi CloseStack


For an object which is not referred in any other object, the command returns null.