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Free-Hand Node Move

1.From the Menu Bar, select Mesh Editing > Move.
2.Using the radio button, select the Mouse Moving sub-window.


3.Click the Element Check toggle to display the elements with their quality color while moving the nodes:
If the Element Check toggle is activated, the elements around the moving node become green (quality is good), orange (quality is acceptable), or red (quality is bad).
If the Element Check toggle is not activated, the elements are displayed in the part color.


Two options are available to move nodes using the mouse


Move the nodes one-by-one:

1.Under One-by-One Selected, clickMovePlaneNeighboringElems to move the node in the plane defined by the neighboring elements:
In the graphic window, pick a node and hold the left mouse button.
Move the mouse to translate the node.
If necessary, pick another node and repeat the same steps.
When finished, click Yes in the Dialog menu bar.
To confirm, click Save to save the node displacements.


To cancel, click Cancel.


2.Under One-by-One Selected, clickMovePlaneNodes to move the node in the plane defined by the node to move and two other nodes:
In the graphic window, pick the node to be moved (the node is displayed in yellow).
Pick two other nodes (the nodes are displayed in red) to define a plane.
Pick the first selected node once more and hold down the left mouse button.
Move the mouse to translate the node.
If necessary, pick another node and move it in the same plane.
When finished, clickYes in the Dialog menu bar.
To confirm, click Save to save the node displacements.


To cancel, click Cancel.


3.Under One-by-One Selected, click MovePlaneNormalNodes to move the node along the normal of a plane:
In the graphic window, pick the node to be moved (the node is displayed in yellow).
Pick two other nodes (the nodes are displayed in red) to define a plane.
Pick the first selected node once more and hold down the left mouse button.
Move the mouse to translate the node.
If necessary, pick another node and move it along the same normal.
When finished, click Yes in the Dialog menu bar.
To confirm, click Save to save the node displacements.


To cancel, click Cancel.


4.Under One-by-One Selected, click MovePlaneScreen to move the node in the plane defined by the screen:
In the graphic window, pick a node and hold down the left mouse button.
Move the mouse to translate the node.
If necessary, pick another node and repeat the same steps.
When finished, click Yes in the Dialog menu bar.
To confirm, click Save to save the node displacements.


To cancel, click Cancel.


Move several nodes at the same time:

1.In Multi-Selected, click MovePlaneNeighboringElems to move nodes in the plane defined by the neighboring elements:
In the graphic window, pick all the nodes to be moved.
When finished with the selection, click Yes in the Dialog menu bar.
Pick the green node (first picked node) and hold down the left mouse button.
Move the mouse to translate the nodes.
When finished, click Yes in the Dialog menu bar.
If necessary, pick other nodes and repeat the same steps.
When finished, click Yes in the Dialog menu bar.
To confirm, click Save to save the node displacements.


To cancel, click Cancel.


2.In Multi-Selected, click MovePlaneNodes to move nodes in a plane defined by three nodes:
In the graphic window, pick three nodes to define a plane.
Pick all the nodes to move.
When finished with the selection, click Yes in the Dialog menu bar.
Pick the first selected moving node (green node) once more and hold down the left mouse button.
Move the mouse to translate the nodes.
When finished, click Yes in the Dialog menu bar.
If necessary, pick other nodes and move them in the same plane.
When finished, click Yes in the Dialog menu bar.
To confirm, click Save to save the node displacements.


To cancel, click Cancel.


3.In Multi-Selected, click MovePlaneNormalNodes to move nodes along the normal of a plane:
In the graphic window, pick three nodes to define a plane.
Pick all the nodes to be moved.
When finished with the selection, click Yes in the Dialog menu bar.
Pick the first selected node (green node) once more and hold down the left mouse button.
Move the mouse to translate the nodes.
When finished, click Yes in the Dialog menu bar.
If necessary, pick other nodes and move them along the same normal.
When finished, click Yes in the Dialog menu bar.
To confirm, click Save to save the node displacements.


To cancel, click Cancel.


4.In Multi-Selected, click MovePlaneScreen to move nodes in the plane defined by the screen:
In the graphic window, pick all the nodes to be moved.
When finished with the selection, click Yes in the Dialog menu bar.
Pick the green node (first picked node) and hold down the left mouse button.
Move the mouse to translate the nodes.
When finished, click Yes in the Dialog menu bar.
If needed, pick other nodes and repeat the same steps.
When finished, click Yes in the Dialog menu bar.
To confirm, click Save to save the node displacements.


To cancel, click Cancel.


How Do I ...

Move nodes using defined displacement

Move nodes with translations

Move nodes with rotations

Move nodes with multi-movings

Move nodes with symmetries

Move nodes with scaling

Undo or Redo defined displacement