
To modify a bolt

To modify a bolt

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To modify a bolt

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Note:To accept selection(s), press Enter, click Yes or right-click the mouse button; or select Cancel.


1.From the Menu Bar select Connections > Bolt > Modify.

In the bolt list, some of the bolts are highlighted in red.  Those bolts are called "uncreated" bolts. HyperCrash designates the bolts as "uncreated" when it cannot find the parts defining the bolt or when it cannot find any nodes in the bolt cylinder.

2.Select only one bolt in the bolt list.
3.Click reviewGeneral-24 to view the selected bolt.

It is possible to:

Modify the bolt selection (see Bolt selection and add node in the sets).
Modify the bolt location (see Bolt location).
Modify the bolt direction (see Bolt direction).
Modify the properties (see Bolt properties).
4.Click Save to save the modified bolt; or

Click Cancel to cancel the bolt modification.

5.Click Close to close the menu.


Bolt selection




select all the bolts.


select all the "uncreated" bolts.


pick bolts in the graphic window to select them.


select bolts by box (use the SHIFT key to use a polygon box).


pick parts in the graphic window to select all the bolts linked to those parts.


select parts by box (use the SHIFT key to use a polygon box) to select all the bolts linked to those parts.


Click on the bolt line in the listing window to select it. Several bolts from this list can be selected using the SHIFT, CTRL, or SHIFT+CTRL keys.


See also


Export File