Use the Material Library tool to create, edit, delete, and import/export fluid, solid, or immiscible multiphase materials. Once defined, these
materials can be referenced in any domain.
Use the Multipliers tool to create, edit, and delete multiplier functions. Multiplier or ramp functions are used to multiply or ramp
variables while defining boundaries, radiation, and mesh conditions.
Disperse multiphase modeling gives you the capability to simulate the momentum
exchange between a carrier field and a dispersed field. When simulating multiphase
flows using the disperse multiphase model, the carrier field has to be a fluid and
the dispersed field can be of any medium.
From the Flow ribbon, click the Physics tool.
Figure 1.
Under the Physics models settings, change the flow radio button to
Change the Multifluid type to Disperse.
Select a disperse material model from the drop-down menu or click
Material Library to create, edit, and manage custom
material models.
After setting up the disperse multiphase physics, you have
the option to set the carrier fluid volume fraction in all inlet and outlet (backflow
condition) boundaries.
Figure 2.
In addition, you can select the carrier volume fraction as a variable when
defining initial conditions in the Solution ribbon.