Set up the simulation model, materials, domains, and boundaries.
Define the simulation domain.
View new features for HyperWorks CFD 2021.
Learn the basics and discover the workspace.
Discover HyperWorks CFD functionality with interactive tutorials.
Learn how to create, open, import and save models.
Create, organize, and manage the CAE parts.
Create, edit, and cleanup geometry.
Define global simulation settings, materials, and any multipliers or parameters.
Use the Material tool to assign materials to solid bodies.
Use the Thin tool to define thin thermal layers on surfaces and assign material properties.
Use the Porous tool and its satellite icons to define Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical porosity on solid bodies.
Use the Sources tools to specify a collection of body forces (heat, momentum, or species) within solid bodies.
Use the Reference Frame tool to define rotating reference frames on solid bodies or surfaces.
Use the Heat Exchanger tool to specify heat exchanger components for a solid.
Use the Fan Component tool to model a fan by specifying fan characteristics on a solid.
Define surface boundary conditions.
Define radiation conditions and create emissivity models.
Define direct, derived, and constrained mesh motion.
Generate surface/volume mesh by defining mesh controls, or interactively create and edit 2D surface mesh.
Define output conditions, run the simulation, and view the results.
Use the Template Manager to define rule-based logic for groups, geometric operations, and setup and automate simulation processes.
Post-process the simulation results by creating visualizations and measurements.
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