NX Reader
NX import is available through two different readers: UGOpen native reader and a third-party non-native reader.
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File formats supported by HyperWorks CFD.
Create a new file.
Open a file.
Import an existing file to the current session.
Learn about the CAD readers supported by HyperWorks CFD and the options available for importing CAD geometry data.
CAD readers supported by HyperWorks CFD.
NX import is available through two different readers: UGOpen native reader and a third-party non-native reader.
The NX reader utilizes the UGOpen library to read files from NX.
The NX Third Party reader does not need a valid NX installation or license to access these libraries.
CAD readers provide options for processing data during import.
Each reader reads the CAD file and sends the geometry information to HyperWorks CFD. When a CAD file is read, a .msg file is created (or appended to) in the current working directory.
Learn about possible difficulties you may encounter during CAD import.
The metadata names generated by the CAD readers are composed of a general prefix followed by a metadata specific name.
The prefix is specified using the @MetadataPrefix
option in each _reader.ini file.
Import FE models for supported solver interfaces.
Save all of the data in your current session.
Export FE data in your current session.
Take a screen capture of your model and save it to your working directory.
Create, organize, and manage the CAE parts.
Create, edit, and cleanup geometry.
Set up the simulation model, materials, domains, and boundaries.
Define radiation conditions and create emissivity models.
Define direct, derived, and constrained mesh motion.
Generate surface/volume mesh by defining mesh controls, or interactively create and edit 2D surface mesh.
Define output conditions, run the simulation, and view the results.
Use the Template Manager to define rule-based logic for groups, geometric operations, and setup and automate simulation processes.
Post-process the simulation results by creating visualizations and measurements.
Learn about the CAD readers supported by HyperWorks CFD and the options available for importing CAD geometry data.
Import an existing file to the current session.
Learn how to create, open, import and save models.
CAD readers supported by HyperWorks CFD.
NX import is available through two different readers: UGOpen native reader and a third-party non-native reader.
NX import is available through two different readers: UGOpen native reader and a third-party non-native reader.
(c) 2021. Altair Engineering Inc. All Rights Reserved.