A surface represents the geometry associated with a physical part. A surface is a two-dimensional geometric entity that may be used in automatic mesh generation.
The color of a surface is determined by the component collector to which it belongs.
A surface is comprised of one or more faces. Each face contains a mathematical surface and edges to trim the surface, if required. When a surface has several faces, all of the faces are maintained as a single surface entity. Operations performed on the surface affect all the faces that comprise the surface. In general, HyperWorks CFD automatically uses the appropriate number of and type of surface faces to represent the geometry.
The perimeter of a surface is defined by edges. There are four types of surface edges.
Surface edges are different from lines and are sometimes handled differently for certain operations.
- Free Edges
- A free edge is an edge that is owned by only one surface.
- Shared Edges
- A shared edge is an edge that is owned, or shared, by two adjacent surfaces.
- Suppressed Edges
- A suppressed edge is shared by two surfaces but it is ignored by the automesher.
- Non-Manifold Edges
- A non-manifold edge is owned by three or more surfaces.